Page 27 - PhilConnectionsMagazineFeb2021b_Neat
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Modern Orchestra Project, and the Callithumpian Being married to a string player can
Consort. We also perform with other orchestras have its challenges (according to a
in the region on a substitute or pick-up basis, and
in various chamber music ensembles such as the horn player).
Cape Cod String Quartet and Solar Winds. A music
career is often a patchwork quilt of performances Lilit - There are pros and cons. With all the driving
with a variety of ensembles performing all styles of to and from various gigs, it can make it so much more
music. It really keeps us on our toes. bearable to have company in the car. On the other
hand, having the same work schedule is challenging
A silver lining has been the ability to when you also have a small child.
really spend time with each other and Neil - Yes, it is great having the company for the
late-night rides home. Though being married to
with our young son. a string player can have its challenges. You see
wind instrumentalists and string players have very
Neil - The musicians’ lifestyle can be hard on
families, with late nights and crazy, rapidly fluctuating different ideas as to an appropriate arrival time for
schedules. And with two musician parents, our little rehearsals. Wind players like to arrive super early
guy often gets dragged around to various family to get our “nests” made and to make sure our faces
members’ houses for babysitting. There have been and equipment are all working. String players tend to
lots of sketchy parking lot handoffs! waltz in at the last moment, whip out the instrument
and are ready to go. This has led to some heated
I think the obvious silver lining has been the ability discussions regarding when to depart for the gig.
to really spend time with each other and with our (laughing)
young son. It has been great not having to worry
about babysitting, and it has been enjoyable to be
able to share all our meals together as a family. The
music business can be stressful: worrying about
being late to a gig, or going to the wrong venue, or
the ultimate nightmare, getting your dates wrong
and not showing up at all! I have been enjoying the
“easy” life, but that said, I do love performing and
am itching to get back into the concert hall.