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ARTand the Plymouth Public Library

        Both the staff of the Library and the Board of Trustees and staff of the Plymouth Public Library
        Foundation take art seriously. Together, we created THE GALLERY AT PLYMOUTH PUBLIC
        LIBRARY in 2014 to surround patrons with beautiful art and to create a venue for local artists
        to display their work.

        The Gallery was such a welcome addition, that the Foundation established an Art for Books
        website, ( shortly thereafter and as the enthusiastic response to art
        continued, we began to lay the groundwork for an Annual Arts & Crafts Festival.  The Festival,
        now in its third year, plans to welcome over 70 artisans to the front lawn this summer on
        Saturday, August 6th.

        The Library and Art has been a perfect pairing and each of the three partnerships have turned
        out to be successful fundraisers, too!

        In our gallery, the art on display is for sale; featured artists have generously donated 10% of
        the sale price from each painting to the Library in support of our ongoing efforts to promote
        the arts in our community. Thanks to donations from friends, the sale of artwork on our Arts
        for Books website is “virtually” expense free. And, our Arts & Crafts Festival raises funds from
        artisan fees and other fun activities designed to encourage guests to spend the day!

        If you are interested in participating in any of these activities, please contact Anne Phelan,
        508-830-4250, ext. 216.

        Artists Welcome

        Each year we invite artists to submit an application to hold a show in our Gallery and we
        welcome them to the Library. We look forward to reviewing the work. In addition, we are
        currently enlisting artists for the Arts & Crafts Festival.

        Application to hold a show in the Gallery

        Artisan Application to participate in the Arts & Crafts Festival.

        Recently, we hosted the wonderful works of art created by Barbara Leger and had a chance to
        sit down with Barbara to learn more about her work and the impact modern technology has
        had on many of today’s artists.

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