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Excel & Purapak Medium &                               Quad & Cube Polyester Filters
                                High Efficiency Bag Filters
                                                                                       The Glasfloss line of polyester bag filters of-
                               Glasfloss offers a complete line of synthetic            fers medium efficiency performance for a
                               and fiberglass extended surface media bag                wide range of applications.  The rigid, self-
                                filters to meet a wide range of applications.           seal design of these filters helps prevent
                                Glasfloss bag filters are rigidly constructed            air bypass and allows the filters to operate
                                utilizing an exclusive internal header de-              under  adverse  conditions,  especially
                                sign  that  provides  dependable  perform-              where high humidity is present.  Glasfloss
                                ance.  Both  synthetic  and  fiberglass  bag            Cube and Quad 440 filters feature a two-
                               filters are available in a wide variety of effi-        stage  media  for  maximum  efficiency  and
                              ciencies in standard and special sizes.                 service life.  The Glasfloss Quad 420 features
                                                                                     a single stage media and is less restrictive to air-

                                              Z-Line Series                          Puracell 5V Mini-Pleat Series
                                     MR-13 Pleated Filters                         The Glasfloss Puracell 5V mini-pleat series offers
                                                                                     HEPA grade
                              The Z-Line MR-13 Series pleated air filter fea-         performance, extremely low resistance to air
                               tures  the  latest  in  media  technology  to           flow and extended
                               achieve  MERV  13  while  maintaining  low               service  life.  The  chemical  resistant  alu-
                                pressure drop and good service life.  The Z-            minum framework provides
                                Line Series MR-13 pleat is optimized for                 exceptional strength. The Glasfloss Pura-
                                “LEED” compliance  in  new  and  existing                cell 5V mini-pleat series
                                buildings as well as providing a cost-effec-             are produced in MERV 16 and 99.99% @
                                tive upgrade from lower efficiency pleated              .30 micron size performance ranges and
                               filters for a variety of commercial and indus-           are available in exact or nominal standard
                               trial applications.  The Z-Line Series MR-13            sizes.
                             pleat is available in many standard face di-
                            mensions in 1”, 2” and 4” depths.
                              Puracell II Mini-Pleat Series                          Puracell VP Mini-Pleat Series
                         The Glasfloss Puracell II Mini-Pleat Filter is ideal    The Puracell VP Series extended surface mini-pleat
                            for use in applications where a high degree of          filters offer high efficiency particulate removal, ex-
                             efficiency  is  required  in  a  2”  and  4”  mini-     tended service life and extremely low resistance
                              pleat design. The Puracell II offers unique             to  air  flow.    The  filters  incorporate  a  light-
                               advantages over traditional filters which               weight, high-impact polystyrene framework
                                                                                        for strength and durability in demanding
                                include low cost, reduced weight and size               commercial  and  industrial  applications.
                                and less impact on landfills. The Pura-                  The Puracell VP and VPX Series are avail-
                                cell II fiberglass media is available in                 able in MERV 11, 13, 14 and 15.  The VP
                                standard and special sizes in MERV 11,                   Series is also available in MERV 16 and
                                13, 14 & 15 efficiencies, while Puracell  ®             99.97% HEPA grade.  The VP-S and VPX-S
                               II-S synthetic media is available in MERV                synthetic Series are available in MERV 11,
                               11, 13 and 15 efficiencies. The  Puracell  ®            13  and  15  efficiencies.    VP-GA  High-Effi-
                              II M & MH fiber Series and M-S MH-S syn-                 ciency Gas Adsorber filters with activated car-
                             thetic Series are available where heavy-duty            bon are also available.
                           metal frame construction is required.
                            Puracell II P Mini-Pleat Series                         Z-Pak HC Series High Capacity
                       The Glasfloss Puracell II P 4” Plastic Frame Mini-Pleat                     Rigid Cell Filters
                         Series is designed for use in applications where a
                           high degree of efficiency is required in a 4" deep                    ®
                             filter. The filters combine state-of-the-art mini-      Glasfloss Z-Pak HC rigid cell filters are de-
                              pleat construction techniques with superior              signed for high efficiency applications and
                               reliability to offer maximum value for com-             incorporate two individual filtration media
                               mercial and industrial applications.  Addi-              layers that provide very low initial pres-
                                tionally,  the  Puracell II  P  Series  offers          sure drop in addition to a high dust hold-
                                unique advantages over the traditional 12"               ing  capacity  for  superior  service  life.
                                rigid box filter including lower freight costs,          The Z-Pak HC's total rigid construction
                                reduced storage area requirements and                    makes it ideal for variable air volume
                                less impact on landfills. The Glasfloss Pu-             systems (VAV), where changes in air flow
                               racell II P & PH filters incorporate fiber-              can have an adverse effect on non-rigid
                               glass media and are available in MERV 11,               type filters. Z-Pak HC filters are designed
                              13, 14 & 15 efficiencies, and Puracell II P-S           to handle high airflow and are available in
                             & PH-S filters incorporate synthetic media are          MERV 14 performance.
                           are available in MERV 11, 13 & 15 efficiencies.
    Honeywell F-100 and FC40R Media is a registered trademark of Honeywell, Inc., Goodman & Amana  These names are used for identification purposes only).
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