Page 5 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 22nd February 2021
P. 5

Slotted vs slotless technology diagram

       the windings into slots, the
       windings in the slotless motor
       can be self-bonded with skewed
       or cup shaped windings placed
       on the air gap.

       Performance considerations
       In the early days of slotless BLDC motor
       design, the power density was significantly lower   operation (from 40,000 to 60,000 rpm), usually
       than for an equivalent slotted motor. Now, the   the slotless rotor has a two-pole permanent magnet
       emergence of high energy permanent magnets   design. In addition, the stator core losses are
       (such as NdFeB and SmCo) and their alternative   restricted to an acceptable range while the motor
       magnetisation arrangements (including radial,   operates at high speed thanks to the large air gap.
       parallel and halbach) have closed the performance   Core losses are relatively small due to its slotless
       gap and caused a renewed interest in slotless   stator structure and therefore offers high power
       motors.                              density.
         One might think that the same performance
       advantage could be gained in slotted BLDC motors,  Motor losses
       but they are less able to employ high energy   Slotless motors offer low inductance, which
       magnets because the thicker teeth required to   introduces a motion controls challenge. Low
       increase the magnetic loading of the motor has the   inductance results in higher motor losses if pulse
       effect of reducing the slot area and thus the   width modulation (PWM) control is applied.
       decreased electric loading of the motor.   Controls with higher switching frequency (80 –
         That said, the slotted BLDC motor can still offer   100kHz) or series compensation inductors can be
       higher torque than the slotless design. Part of this   used to mitigate the low inductance issue.
       comes from the fact that the slotted design can   With these characteristics, the different
       handle higher temperatures, thus allowing more   brushless DC motor technologies lend themselves to
       torque generation. However, due to the saturation of   different applications. Slotted BLDC motors, for
       the magnetic circuit during overloading operation,   example, are ideal in applications such as electric
       the motor torque is reduced. On the other hand, the   vehicles or home appliances where a higher number
       absence of teeth in the slotless design has no   of poles is required and where ultimate size is less
       magnetic saturation and therefore offers better   of an issue. They are also preferred in harsh
       overloading.                         environment since in slotted design the coil is easier
         Another performance consideration is operation   to protect and is mechanically held by stator teeth.
       at high speed, and while both designs are capable   On the other hand, when high speed and a small
       of operating at far higher speeds than brushed DC   size are required, for example in medical devices or
       motors, slotted and slotless designs have different   portable industrial tools, slotless BLDC motors can
       characteristics at these elevated speeds. In order to   offer the best solution.
       obtain mechanical stabilisation under high speed

                           February 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p5
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