Page 10 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 1st Febraury 2021
P. 10
Remote thermal management
of electrical systems
To operate reliably and safely in remote locations, industrial automation systems and
other electrical installations need their thermal status to be fully and constantly
monitored. Fabrizio Vitali of Omron Electronic Components Europe offers advice
n abnormal increase in temperature is transformer running at peak load for lengthy
frequently an early indication of a fault periods. The second can be caused by the operating
condition and needs to be addressed environment (prolonged exposure to intense
Abefore the system is damaged or worse sunlight), or a failure of cooling components such as
still, combusts. Increases can take the form of fans. Both are a threat.
individual ‘hot spots’ where parts of a panel or
individual components are operating close to or Maintenance by IoT
above a safe temperature and rises in the ambient The goal of maintenance over the Internet of Things
temperature. (IoT) is always to ensure “zero down time” and
The first can be due to a fault condition, such as eliminate unforeseen device failures that can lead to
a short circuit, or by a component such as a serious accidents or unplanned facility stops. To