Page 6 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 1st Febraury 2021
P. 6


       More ups than downs on

       large network of escalators

       In the subway system of the Bavarian capital, Stadtwerke München (SWM) operates
       Germany's largest escalator network. On this scale, the impact of any technical
       innovations can be immense, which is why the technicians in charge take great care
       when making their decisions. Most recently, they have opted for the gradual

       deployment of Yaskawa’s U1000 matrix converter
               nder the motto ‘Simply Mobile’ the   Mario Princip head of the MVG supported by a
               network  operators  Münchner   team of technicians has to ensure that the system
               Verkehrsgesellschaft  (MVG)  a   operates around the clock without interruption and
       Usubsidiary of Stadtwerke Munchen    comments “A high level of reliability is extremely
       (SWM) deploys trains and buses in subway and   important and it’s also strategically significant. It’s
       tram stations. To give an idea of the scale of the   not just a question of addressing the passenger’s
       network it also has 770 escalators which compares   needs for comfort and convenience, it’s also an
       with around 450 currently operating on the entire   important operational matter because without the
       London Underground.                  escalators the passengers cannot enter and exit the

                           February 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p6
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