Page 9 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 15th June 2020
P. 9
Companies that can be flexible enough to move
away from large batch production can also avoid the
cost of large stock holding, both at the manufacturer
and throughout the distribution chain.
Customisation is already a unique selling point for a
large number of consumer goods. The food industry
is following suit with individual printing and
marking options being designed into many new
Customisation equals profitability in both cases.
The transfer of data from a sales operation to a
manufacturing site, out to the suppliers and then
simultaneously back to the distribution and retail
network is the key to responsive, flexible
manufacturing. To achieve ‘batch size one’
profitably and efficiently we must have the accuracy, as well as opening up new possibilities for
connectivity that the IIoT offers. machine control.
The ability to generate, record, transfer and AI can, for example, be a driver for increased
process a large amount of data reliably and productivity. Today, most machines are still built to
efficiently has other benefits. It enables a higher work within defined margins of capability – perhaps
degree of traceability for example, serialisation is to allow for different loads or speeds or safety
already essential for many food, pharmaceutical ranges. AI technology using deep learning
and consumer products. Better information also algorithms within the control system enables
allows for continuous improvement and process machines to be driven right up to and even beyond
optimisations at a micro and macro level, today’s margins, significantly boosting productivity
generating multiple opportunities for increased without compromising reliability and quality.
efficiency and cost reduction. Applying AI principles to individual machine
processes can already help to reduce auto-
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in context adjustment times, synchronise increasingly complex
AI is still at the beginning of its journey but we can systems and offer helpful suggestions to operators.
expect it to have a substantial impact on the It can even enable autonomous decisions to be
industrial environment over the next few years. AI is made based on measured data in real-time, further
a perfect fit for manufacturing and leading optimising the process.
companies are now integrating various AI functions Making reliable predictions based on
into factory automation equipment. experience, evidence and guidelines is a
Advanced Analytics (AA) and Artificial fundamental function of human intelligence. AI is
Intelligence (AI) technologies are extending no different in this respect, it can contribute toward
traditional machine control architectures with more more effective predictive maintenance, monitoring
advanced data processing, learning and decision- the condition of components to enable replacement
making capacity. The objective is to deliver before damage occurs, so preventing unplanned
increased productivity, efficiency, reliability and downtime.