Page 6 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 15th June 2020
P. 6
overshot threshold value directly to a signal light. Free choice: In this schematic of an example application,
Alternatively, the TBEN module can also be the sensors send tempera- ture and vibration data either
connected with an HMI device. wirelessly or wired to the TX700 HMI, which in turn forwards
Even more flexibility is provided by a wireless the data to a PLC or a cloud wirelessly or by cable
transfer within Banner's proprietary DX80 wireless
system. For this a device like the QM42VT1 so that no additional power supply has to be laid.
vibration and tempera- ture sensor is connected This considerably reduces the required wiring effort.
serially with a transmission module (node) which Added to this is the possibility to implement the
sends the data to a receiver (gateway). In order to monitoring precisely at the ideal location.
also determine changes in current consumption, This may, for example be a central control room.
users can use a special DX80 node which offers an The wireless gateway and Turck’s TX700 HMI can
additional input for the signals of a transducer. If be linked here to display the status data of several
required, the wireless nodes can be battery-driven machines with the VisuPro software, to extract log