Page 8 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 15th June 2020
P. 8
Smart factories and AI from
an automation perspective
Factory automation has traditionally provided the food industry with faster, more
reliable and cleaner production capacity - however, with the advent of the smart
factory and commercial AI the factory of the very near future is starting to make
production efficiency improvement decisions itself
he first stage of becoming a smart factory where using state-of-the-art technology such as AI
is digital network communication, having can already improve the performance and efficiency
the right data infrastructure allows of factory equipment and human resources.
Tcompanies to create, move and use that The role of the IIoT in today’s factory is to
data efficiently. With the swift movement and connect customer demand to a fast and flexible
processing of data comes homogeneous control and production facility. Once a purchase decision is
fast responsive manufacturing, which in-turn made then any increase in the speed of response
justifies investment in the latest automation from the manufacturer is a competitive advantage.
technology. If the IIoT offers us one thing, then it is the ability
Getting the most from a Smart factory is then a to define customer demand instantly and adapt
case of being aware of the possibilities, this is production to suit.