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Electric versus pneumatic
ADOPTING AN APPLICATION-LED APPROACH TO LINEAR MOTION TASKS motion solutions quickly and accurately, but also to
RESOLVES ELECTRIC VERSUS PNEUMATIC DILEMMA, SAYS FESTO generate the required documentation and drawings for
incorporation in their overall machine design.
ndustrial automation specialist Festo claims that single solution. For example, the Simplified Motion Series Furthermore, these drives are equipped with IO-Link®
machine builders can resolve the age-old dilemma of (SMS) from Festo offers an affordable option that is easy as standard so they can be integrated seamlessly into
whether to deploy electric or pneumatic technology to install and operate. There is no need for external servo fully digitalised environments: supporting predictive
Ifor linear motion tasks by adopting a more drives installed in control cabinets because the whole maintenance regimes and smart air consumption to make
application-led approach and deploying hybrid solutions. device is mounted directly on the machine. a full contribution to optimising production and energy
Warren Harvard, product marketing manager at Festo, Their simplified set-up and operation makes SMS efficiency.
explains: “Many machine builders think they need to electric drives perfect for simple motions between two Concludes Harvard: “Each industrial application has
make a decision between electric automation and mechanical end positions, without having to sacrifice its specific requirements with regards to technical criteria:
pneumatic drives. Some claim that electric actuation is electric drive motion characteristics such as pre-defined such as speed, acceleration, load capacity and force
cheaper, more energy efficient and easier to work with. speed, gently cushioned movement into end positions required, cycle time, holding duration, power to weight
Others feel pneumatic technology is far more rugged, and selectable force for pressing or clamping functions. ratio, accuracy, control behaviour, torsional rigidity,
simpler and has a higher power density. But this ‘one or They can be simply and securely combined mechanically efficiency or robustness. Pneumatic and electric drive
the other’ approach isn’t always helpful in meeting the with other SMS actuators using more advanced electric solutions have traditionally offered specific advantages
needs of the application. It’s clearly better to have an axes from Festo, or the vast range of pneumatically-driven and disadvantages, but the advent of improved solutions
efficient overall system.” guided actuators using standardised interfaces and such as the SMS Series mean that machine builders can
This principle is driving new advances in linear centring rings for accurate positioning and load transfer. opt for an alternative, more application-led, approach
motion, with product manufacturers seeking to combine Festo’s free online sizing tool gives added assurance, to finding a solution.”
the advantages of both pneumatic and electric drives in a not only enabling users to select and size their linear MORE INFORMATION:
Interroll establishes new service business
nterroll is expanding its range of services to logistics partner. This is where over 90 percent of the
continuously improve convenience for system operation-critical spare parts for key products and
integrators and end users. To this end, Interroll is conveyor modules for material flow solutions based on
Iplacing its services for new and existing customers, Interroll's modular platform solutions are kept. Its central
marketed under the name ‘Interroll Lifetime Service’, on a location in Europe, direct connection to the major long-
new organisational footing. The company has therefore distance transport axes and proximity to Frankfurt Airport
created a central service unit in Sinsheim, Germany, which ensure a rapid supply of spare parts to European
is responsible for European spare parts and repair customers and users.
management, maintenance, installation services and Depending on the respective service contract, delivery
training measures. of corresponding orders is guaranteed within 24 hours.
A central element of the new organization is the newly This also applies to the repair and general overhaul of central workshop in Baal near Düsseldorf and its
created central warehouse for standard spare parts in products such as drum motors, special conveyor modules decentralised repair facilities in the various European
Ketsch near Heidelberg, which is operated by an efficient and key Smart Pallet Mover (SPM) products for which the countries are responsible.