Page 25 - Industrial Technology magazine February 2021 issue
P. 25


       Improved insight for manufacturers

       of energy efficient technologies

             okogawa Test & Measurement has added another   securing data in the harshest of environments.
             new instrument to its ScopeCorder family of   Building on the capabilities of the well-
             portable  multi-channel  data-acquisition   established DL850E, the new DL950
       Yrecorders, extending and improving their speed,   ScopeCorder can handle larger amounts of data
       channel count and data acquisition features. As   at a faster sample rate and with a longer
       companies develop more energy efficient technologies for   recording time. It has a large acquisition
       transportation, home and industrial appliances as well as   memory up to 8 Gpoint, and a 200 MS/s
       new renewable energy sources, the DL950 is designed to   sample rate at 14-bit, compared to the
       offer manufacturers a highly detailed view of an   DL850E’s 100 MS/s at 12-bit. This is twice the
       application’s electrical and mechanical behaviour.   sample rate but with much more detail. The
         The DL950 will find use in many markets, including   DL950 can run up to 32 isolated analogue
       transportation for applications such as testing electric   channels with 10 MS/s at 16-bit or up to 128
       vehicles and SiC/GaN inverters. Uses in the power and   digital channels.
       energy sector include capturing data on renewable energy   This provides a complete solution for
       systems, while manufacturers of industrial equipment will   developers in the high-precision mechatronics and electric   sensors and decoded vehicle serial bus signals. The dual
       find the DL950 invaluable in testing high efficiency   power markets and contributes to the further   capture feature offers both data acquisition recorder
       motors, robots and sensors.              advancement and development of technology.   functionality and the sample speed and trigger features of
         Providing a unique combination of the high-speed   The DL950 ScopeCorder provides developers with a   an oscilloscope. This allows developers to analyse the
       sampling and signal fidelity of an oscilloscope and the   high degree of insight into the behaviour of these systems   finest waveform details while observing multi-channel
       long-term data recording capabilities of a recorder, the   by capturing and analysing a wide variety of electrical   measurements over longer periods.
       DL950 measures signals at a high bit resolution while   signals, mechanical performance parameters indicated by   MORE INFORMATION:

                                                                        ULTRA-FAST PRESSURE TRANSDUCER

                                                   SERIES M5                EXTREMELY COMPACT DESIGN

                                                                                   50 kHz • Operating -50...180 °C • Linearity 0,1 %FS • IP65
                                                                                  Pressure ranges of 3 bar, 10 bar and 30 bar absolute.
                                                                                Media compatible with oil, fuels, gases and coolants.
                                                                             Test benches • Leakage • Wind tunnels • Aviation •
                                                                         Compressors • Explosion waves

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