Page 72 - Mothmageddon
P. 72
“What’s Eating You 2?” Mothmageddon
How Caraselle Saved One Couple from Old-Style Mothball Hell
Georgie Tarn is married to a hoarder, a man whose wardrobe is stuffed with clothes that look like they date back to the 70s.
When he took a pale lilac T-shirt out of his wardrobe recently and saw holes in it, his first thought was that Georgie’s washing was to blame.
Georgie recalls how events then unfolded...
“His feelings of unease were further compounded when he pulled out a pale blue cashmere jumper, part of his ‘sale bargain pale blue cashmere flock’ that has grown in recent years to an alarming teetering pile, and found TWO tiny holes on the left sleeve.”
And then, as one after another of his ruined clothes made it out of the depths of his groaning wardrobe, it became apparent who the real culprits were: clothes moths!
“He recognised his enemy,” reports Georgie. “A dreaded ‘moth’ attack had flown in to finally finish off the clothes that I hadn’t managed to sneak off to the charity shop. He panicked: the history of his life could be chewed away!
“Jumpers, shirts, suits were under threat, his wardrobe was under siege, and he had to do the manly thing and exterminate the buggers.”
While secretly pleased that the moths were finishing off the clothes of his that she hadn’t been able to donate, Georgie was aghast at the steps her husband took to defeat Wardrobe Enemy Number One.