Page 29 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 29


               As a side note, there are tests that can identify cancer in your system

               many years before it manifests itself through a tumor.  If you suspect

               you might have cancer or just want to make sure you are in the clear,
               there is a test called ONCOblot, as well as a cancer profile test through

                                                                       American Metabolic

                                                                       Laboratories. Either of these
                                                                       are 95% accurate and can

                                                                       provide you with many years
                                                                       of advance warning so you

                                                                       can put into practice many of

               the lifestyle changes mentioned herein to avoid cancer altogether.

               Chapter Two

               Toxicity: The Poison Behind Cancer!

               As mentioned in chapter one, toxicity is the one component in virtually

               every cancer patient.  Identifying exactly what toxicity is and how it
               effects each one of us is a bit more challenging.  When it comes to

               cancer, looks can be deceiving.  We might know someone that we

               identified as the epitome of health.  Then one day we are shocked to
               find out they have been diagnosed with cancer and we say to ourself,

               “how is that even possible?”

               Here is how; something in that person’s body became toxic and their

               cellular terrain simply could not handle it. As a result, their immune
               system became overrun and some type of malignancy formed.

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