Page 26 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 26


               For the last several years, I have managed an International Cancer Clinic

               both in Europe and the USA.  Using an
                                                                       “IT’S ALMOST LIKE A SCIENCE
               unconventional approach to treating                     FICTION MOVIE WHERE AN
               cancer patients, it became highly                       ORGANISM FROM OUTER SPACE IS

               apparent that simply treating the                       TRYING TO TAKE OVER OUR BODIES.”

               symptoms of cancer and not finding
               the root cause, only prolongs the inevitable.  Chemo and radiation

               therapies are only treating the symptoms and not identifying the
               Reason or the Why a patient’s body is generating malignant cells.  It

               became my goal and vision to identify the Why, yes, the very reason

               and source of a patient’s mutations.  Hold on to your seat, this is going
               to be quite the ride!

               After years of research, one of the world’s most recognized biological
               doctors, Professor Thomas Seyfried, discovered something completely

               out-of-line with conventional oncology and against the entire medical

               system. He discovered that cancer is only about 5-7% genetically
               predisposed, and that 93% of cancers are metabolically caused, yes,

               cancer is a “Metabolic Disease” and “Not Genetic,” meaning that

               environmental or other external factors caused your cancer, not your


               What thousands of case studies have shown is that cancer and many

               other diseases are a physiological response to TRAUMA, whether
               emotional, physical, environmental, or all together.  So, to treat a

               cancer patient without identifying the cause is to simply band-aid the
               patient until the cancer comes back with full force a few months or

               years after remission, but this time more aggressively and more

               resistant to treatment.

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