Page 23 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 23


               your head and can no longer respirate, what happens?  You get light-

                                                                   headed, turn blue, eventually

                                                                   pass out, and if enough time
                                                                   goes by, you could develop

                                                                   brain damage due to a lack of

                                                                   oxygen.  In a similar way, when
                                                                   our healthy cells are starved of

                                                                   oxygen, it’s like they have a
                                                                   plastic bag over them; they

               become damaged and can no longer function properly.

               This is one major component of cancer development:

                   •  Cells no longer heal and start to mutate, either benign or

                   •  Cells no longer breathe properly or at all, become damaged.

                   •  Cells no longer digest nutrients properly, become glucose
                       mongers and will only digest sugar/carbs.

                   •  Cells no longer respond to hormone signals, go rogue and become

                       independent of the host’s cellular network.

               What actually happens is your damaged cells should have died through

               apoptosis, but instead they mutated and have become like (pardon the
               expression), “cell zombies,” alive physically, but no longer capable of

               responding to cell signaling. They should have died and been recycled!

               This is another major component to cancer development:

               Cell deterioration occurs when “Oxidative Stress” creates an imbalance

               in the cell matrix.  When your mitochondria makes energy from oxygen
               and nutrients (fuel), and produce ATP (energy), some of the byproducts

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