Page 18 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 18


               Satan then caused a painful, debilitating illness to fall upon Job to the

               point of pain and agony, so much so that our poor brother Job simply

                                                                                  wanted to die.
                                                                                  What can we learn

                                                                                  from this?  First of

                                                                                  all, it clearly shows
                                                                                  us that this enemy

                                                                                  thoroughly enjoys
                                                                                  seeing humans

                                                                                  suffer, introducing a

                                                                                  series of
                                                                                  devastating natural

                                                                                  elements that

                                                                                  ended with death.
                                                                                  Then he brought on

               financial ruin, and finally, a debilitating illness. Would you not agree

               that he continues to plague the entire human family with those very
               same things: death, pain, suffering, and disease?

               In preparing his people for Armageddon, our King Christ Jesus said
               there would be pestilence, famine, earthquakes, and warfare amongst

               other things that would identify his kingly presence.  So, the fact that
               cancer has not been cured but
                                                              “Nation will rise against nation, and
               has in fact almost doubled in
                                                              kingdom against kingdom. There will
               lethality over the last 30 years               be great earthquakes, and in one place
               should not surprise us.  But                   after another food shortages and

               where does that leave God’s                    PESTILENCES.”
               people?  Do we just roll over and                                               Luke 21:10

               accept our fate and become

               another statistic?  Or do we open our eyes, clear the mental clutter

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