Page 16 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 16


               case, with Breast, Ovarian, Prostate, Pancreatic, Liver, Colorectal, and

               most major cancers becoming epidemics. They are all lacking positive

               outcomes and show a significant decline in survival rates.

               For example, in 1990, 5.7 million died from cancer globally. Now just 30

                                                years later, and one trillion dollars
                 THERE IS A NEW MEANING
                                                ($1,000,000,000,000) spent on research and
                 TO THE PHRASE “DRUG
                 CARTELS”                       development, one would think we finally beat
                                                this beast into a corner.  Unfortunately, in

               2019, nearly 10 million died from cancer globally, showing a 66% pro

               rata increase since 1990.

               1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women worldwide develop cancer during their

               lifetime, and 1 in 8 men and 1 in 11 women die from the disease.

                This is a STAGGERING, unbelievable number. This would be equal to 68

                                                                                  full-capacity 747
                                                                                  planes crashing

                                                                                  every day, of every

                                                                                  week, of every year.
                                                                                  Would you ever fly

                                                                                  knowing these
                                                                                  statistics?  Why is no

                                                                                  one seeing this?  Is

                                                                                  this even possible?

               The medical system is either doing something terribly wrong or looking
               in the wrong places for answers.  Or can it be more diabolical and

               sinister than that?  I think you know the answer.

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