Page 17 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 17


               Dear brothers and sisters, we recognize we are deep in the end of this

               system of things, as some taking the lead
                                                                          “The ruler of the world is
               have recently stated we are in the “very
                                                                          coming, and he has no hold
               last of the last days.”  The ruler of this
                                                                          on me.”
               world, in knowing he has a short period of                                          John

               time, is working overtime in perverting and corrupting the human

               family.  He will do whatever he possibly can to deter humans from
               serving Jehovah and keep humanity in the bondage of pain and
               suffering.  What better method of accomplishing this than to keep the

               human family sick!

               Using one biblical example, let’s see if we can figure out what Satan

               finds a great deal of pleasure in doing to humans.  Satan entered in

               before Jehovah’s throne, and right in front of Jesus and the angels
               questioned Jobs integrity, as stated in chapter 1 of Job.

               What did Satan do to Job to try and crush this faithful man’s integrity?
               He went after his children and used “natural elements” of a windstorm

                                                        to cause the roof of the house to kill all
                  “My flesh is covered with
                                                        of Job’s ten children, then more natural
                  maggots and clods of dirt; My
                                                        elements to kill some of his livestock.
                  skin is full of scabs and pus.”
                                               Job 7:5   He further hurt Job’s means of living by
                                                        “having Job’s enemies” steal his

               animals and murder his workers.

               Faithful Job continued to keep his integrity, so what was the final blow?

               “Skin for skin.  A man will give everything that he has for his life.” (Job

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