Page 19 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 19
from a world that has spiraled out of control, and get a grip on what is
really happening?
I am here to tell you there is another way. There are life-saving options
when you hear the dreadful words, “you have cancer.” Millions are
alive and well today who heard those same dreadful words and we will
see what it is that gave them hope and gave them their life back. I am
here to tell you that cancer is NOT a death sentence but a mechanism
in your body screaming out that something is out of balance and
needs to be corrected. I am here to tell you that cancer is curable, and
you can beat it!
Some might criticize my optimistic view of beating cancer but as you
will see in this book, the psychology in
overcoming cancer is that you MUST be
determined with all of your mental,
emotional, physical, and spiritual faculties
to overcome it and YOU WILL… do not
take “No” for an answer when it comes to
Cancer has become a complex disease
due to man’s intervention, but it is important for us to define exactly
what cancer is. So, what exactly is cancer? Here is how I would define
it: Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of mutated cells that will not die
in the natural process for damaged cells, called apoptosis. When
healthy cells become damaged, they die, get recycled, and new, healthy
cells replace them. However, cancer cells just keep reproducing sick,
damaged cells in an uncontrolled manner and this in turn becomes