Page 21 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 21


               cancer cells have abnormal or damaged mitochondria.  Mitochondria

               are rod-shaped organelles that are the powerhouse in our cells, (like little

               generators). They convert oxygen and nutrients into adenosine
               triphosphate (ATP), which is called the Krebs Cycle.  Dr. Warburg and

               his colleagues observed that the function of the mitochondria in cancer

               cells differs from normal cells.

               Normal cells use oxygen and their mitochondria to burn fat, carbs, and
               proteins together for energy.  In contrast, cancer cells are fermenters

                                                                           and do not use oxygen or

                                                                           fats to produce energy.
                                                                           Instead they use glucose

                                                                           and glutamine.  They

                                                                           ferment lactic acid from
                                                                           glucose as a substrate,

                                                                           even in the presence of

                                                                           oxygen.  Warburg’s
                                                                           observation that cancer

                                                                           cells ferment glucose into

                                                                           lactic acid using glycolysis
               became known as the “Warburg Effect.”  Warburg proposed that

               cancer cells have a defective respiration (breathing) process and thus

               Modern pioneers in the field of cancer research, including Professor
               Thomas Seyfried of Boston college, view
                                                                            “IF WE CAN STARVE THE BODY
               cancer as a “Metabolic Disease” in which                     OF GLUCOSE AND GLUTAMINE,
               damaged mitochondria survive only on                         WILL THE CANCER GO AWAY?”

               glucose and glutamine for fuel.

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