Page 13 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 13


               These very same companies

               have simply “put on some

               lipstick and high heels and are
               still in business today.” Do you

               think anything has changed?

               Today, tens of millions of

               innocent lives have become
               casualties of modern oncology.

               While good-hearted doctors

               do everything they can to save lives, the very tools they have been
               provided with and are obligated to use to fight cancer are ineffective

               and create massive revenues for every sector of oncology.  These

               synthetic drugs will typically cause more harm than good and
               eventually poison the patient to the point of devastation or even death.

               By the way, Bayer purchased Monsanto (The GMO giant) for $66 billion
                                                              in 2016.  Now Big Pharma can

                                                              make massive profits from the

                                                              GMO food it produces, then sell
                                                              medications because people got

                                                              sick from that very food.  This is
                                                              how, in part, Satan continues to

                                                              control and mislead the entire

                                                              inhabited earth.  You could choose
               not to believe it, but the facts are the facts.

               Just a bit more information on this for clarity on how these giant multi-

               billion-dollar a year companies work.

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