Page 10 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 10
Closing 80% of these medical operations and calling them quackery and
charlatanism forced the 20%
that survived to conform to a
“pay me for protection” type of
mentality. Without boring you,
the “Flexner’s Report” then
mandated that all teaching
colleges would need to conform
to the new standardization of North American medicine by engineering
curriculums that empowered and enriched those in authority. Because
this was entirely funded (several hundred million invested, todays value $3 billion)
and endorsed by both the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations, it had
an impact on the entire USA and commonwealth territory, including
Britain, Canada, and Australia. Anyone not conforming would be
considered a medical sect and be dealt with viciously by the
government. It now became the world’s largest business that was
protected by government.
This new medical monopoly transcended to all medical schools
nationwide, ensuring that one could only get a job as a doctor, nurse,
or medical professional if they
subscribed to the tenants of
new “allopathic medicine,” that
one could only be healed
through patented synthetic
medications. For the world’s
most powerful and influential
conglomerations (Carnegie’s & Rockefeller’s) to protect their financial
interests, they made sure that all medical schools such as Yale, Harvard,
Johns Hopkins, etc. had members of these financial institutions on their