Page 11 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 11


               board of directors.  This new business model would now control every

               single part of our medical society.  Pharmaceutical companies could

               make trillions of dollars without the threat of competition or being
               put out of business.

               Dear friends, this true story gets a bit more complicated as time went
               on.  Again, I do not want to bore you with so much information, but I

                                                      feel it is necessary for you to understand
                 “THE REAL CRIMES AGAINST
                                                      how pharmaceutical companies have
                 HUMANITY HAVE BEEN IN OUR
                                                      developed over the last 120+ years and
                 MODERN-DAY MEDICAL SYSTEM.”
                                                      the role they play in this grand drama of
               the last days.  One would think that these very agencies are in place to

               protect people from harm, but instead they are profiting enormously

               from those affected by illness.  This next part will really open your eyes,
               confirming that humanity is so misled.

               In 1925, the pharmaceutical giants in Europe, Bayer, BASF & Hoechst
               joined forces as “IG Farben.” These were the

               wealthiest and most powerful conglomerates in all of

               Europe.  These giants collaborated and funded much
               of Adolph Hitler’s war efforts and endeavors,

               including building and operating concentration camps
               and building weaponry and chemicals to kill Hitler’s

               enemies, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jews, Slavic,

               Russians, Polish, African, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and
               every other culture other than the Aryan race.  While

               doing so, it was Bayer (as in “Bayer Aspirin”) and the
               owners of the German “Bayer Leverkusen” soccer

               team that operated Auschwitz and other death camps.

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