Page 7 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 7
I have read the studies and put the time in to find the truth. This
information is strictly for my brothers and sisters who find out they
are diagnosed with cancer and do not know what their next step
should be, or for those who would like to avoid even the possibility of
developing cancer.
Chapter One
Misleading the Entire Inhabited Earth
Setting the Stage: As God’s people, we recognize without question that
the entire world is being misled by Satan (Rev 12:9). As a result, we
often attribute the world’s
“So down the great dragon was hurled,
the original serpent, the one called political, religious, and
Devil and Satan, who is Misleading the commercial elements as corrupt
entire inhabited earth; he was hurled because of the invisible realm
down to the earth, and his angels were influencing them. But honestly,
hurled down with him.” we quite often fail to recognize
Revelation 12:9
that one of the world’s most
corrupt aspects of commercialism is Big Pharma, AMA, FDA, EMA,
NMPA, and our entire global medical system. Are we to think gullibly
or naively that these are exempt from being misled because they
come across as a humanitarian or benevolent endeavor to help
To illustrate how money drives the bus and not the actual curing of
disease, follow along with the following statistic.
Globally, Cancer is the #2 cause of death in the human family, grossing
over $150 billion dollars per year in revenue. The average cost for
treatment and drugs is in excess of $35,000 per month, and some as