Page 4 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 4
international cancer clinic. The one common denominator in
everything I have ever done was Jehovah and my brothers have always
come first and whatever I had left went towards secular activity. So
now you know just a bit about who I am, my family life, and
While there is no shortage of information on the internet regarding
cancer, there is also an overabundance of misinformation, as ideas and
medical advices vary from each clinic, medical authority, oncologist,
scientist, from one doctor to another and every medical school out
there. There are also significant monetary benefits in supporting one
train of thought over another; this unfortunately is the fly in the
ointment. As a result, much of the information published on the
internet is tainted, as conflicting information has saturated information
networks, especially regarding treatments in the medical field.
A few examples: Some highly respected doctor will say “A recent study
has shown that eggs will kill
you, stay away, it has been
confirmed,” and on the very
next web search an equally
credentialed doctor says “The
latest study shows eggs are
very healthy, eat 4 a day as
they will keep you alive.” This is
not an exaggeration, this is realty.
Another example: I just read from a supposed reputable source that
microwave ovens “are safe and present no evidence of causing harm,”
but dozens of other studies ALL say the exact opposite, that a