Page 3 - How to Beat Cancer and Live Forever!
P. 3



               Please Note:  This publication is not for sale. There are no financial

               incentives and is not to be circulated outside of the brotherhood under
               any circumstance, nor posted on any social media site, nor to the

               public. No exceptions, please.

               The information contained herein is not backed by the FDA, nor has it

               been evaluated and approved by the AMA or the ACS.  This information
               is not being presented to cure or persuade you to seek medical

               attention that discourages conventional medical advice.  Facts will be

               presented for You to make an educated decision for your own health.

               The information presented herein is NOT endorsed or part of the belief

               system of Jehovah’s Witnesses and has nothing to do with the
               theocratic organization.  The presented information is my personal

               opinion on various cancer therapies and is not to be shared on social

               media nor on any public forum without my specific consent.  That
               being said, as my obligatory disclaimer, allows me to proceed from my

               own merit and authority.

               I would like to introduce myself; my name is Marco Gallo.  My wife and
               I live in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. I am in my early 50’s and was

               raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses almost my entire life.  Both of my
               parents were from Italy, and mom learned the truth in Bronx, NY in

               1972.  I served at Bethel for a few years in the 80’s, got married in 1990

               and was appointed as an elder in 1996, have two amazing children and
               all of us are in full-time service.  My son is serving in Patterson Bethel

               and is on his 6  year and my daughter is on her 11  year as a regular
               pioneer.  My secular background is very diverse, including the last few
               years owning a medical management company and running an

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