P. 5


             All matters of business in a Lodge are transacted in the third degree.
           If a candidate is to be initiated, the Lodge is opened in the third degree;
           and when,  in the regular order of business, the time arrives for the
           ceremony of initiation to take place, the Lodge is called off in the third
           degree, and remains so while the first degree is opened.

                 OPENING  A   LODGE   OF   MASTER   MASONS.

             The ceremony of opening a Lodge in the third degree is conducted as
           follows: When the regular time for opening has arrived the Master
           repairs to his station and calls the Lodge to order with one rap of his
           gavel. The door is shut, the brethren clothe themselves and take their
           seats; the officers put on their  jewels; the Wardens dispose of their
           columns, down in the West, erect in the South; the Deacons take their
           rods; the Secretary lays his books  and papers  and the three Great
           Lights upon his table, and in a few moments the Lodge is silent and in
           order for the opening. The Master then proceeds as follows:

             W.M. to S.W.   Brother Senior Warden, proceed to satisfy yourself that
           all present are Master Masons.

             The Senior Warden rises and makes a personal observation of every
           one that is present. He then requests the Senior and Junior Deacons to
           give to him, in a whisper, the pass of a Master Mason, and to demand it,
           under the same conditions, from each person  present except the
           Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden. After this is done,
           the Junior Deacon communicates the pass to the Senior Deacon and he
           to the Worshipful Master.

             W.M. to S.W.   The pass is------.

             S.W. to W.M. All present are Master Masons, Worshipful Master.

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