P. 9
The Master seats the craft by one rap. The Junior Deacon goes to the
door and knocks thrice upon it, on which it is opened by the Tyler, to
whom the Junior Deacon announces that the Lodge is opened in the
third degree. He then shuts the door, which is locked on the outside by
the Tyler.
J.D. to W.M. The duty is performed, Worshipful Master.
The Master seats the Junior Deacon by one rap. While this is in
progress, the Senior Deacon takes the Three Great Lights from the
Secretary's table and arranges them duly upon the altar; the Bible
laying open at Ecclesiastes XII, and both points of the compasses
above the square.
The Lesser Lights are placed in their proper position, two at the North-
east and North-west corners of the altar, and the third between them, a
little further Northward. The Wardens reverse their columns, erect in the
West, down in the South.
As has already been stated, all matters of business are transacted in
the Lodge when opened on the third degree; when the work of initiation
is to be done, the Lodge must be called off in the third degree, and
remain so until duly opened in the first degree; when an Entered
Apprentice is to be passed, the Lodge is called off in the third degree,
and remains so while the second degree is opened; if a Fellow Craft is to
be raised the Lodge remains in the Master Mason's degree.
After the ceremonies of opening are concluded, the Master requests
the Secretary to read the minutes of their last regular communication.
This being done, the Master asks as follows:
W.M. to S.W. Brother Senior Warden, have you any alterations to
If the Senior Warden has any remarks to make, he now does so, first
making the sign of a Master Mason. If he has nothing to offer by way of
amendment, he says:
S.W. to W.M. (making the sign of a Master Mason.) I have none,
Worshipful Master.
W.M. to J.W. Have you any, Brother Junior Warden?
J.W. to W.M. (making the sign.) None. Worshipful Master.
W.M. to Lodge. Has any brother around the Lodge any alterations to