P. 6
When any one addresses the Master during any Masonic ceremony, he
must rise and salute.
The Worshipful Master calls up the Senior Deacon and Junior Deacon
by one rap.
W.M. to J.D. Brother Junior Deacon, what is the first great care of
Masons when in Lodge assembled?
J.D. to W.M. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled, Worshipful Master.
W.M. to J.D. Perform that duty. Inform the Tyler that I am about to
open a Lodge of Master Masons, and direct him to tyle accordingly.
The Junior Deacon opens the door without knocking, and satisfies
himself that the Tyler is at his post, he then communicates to him the
Master's orders and shuts the door. The Tyler then locks the door on the
J.D. to W.M. The Lodge is duly tyled, Worshipful Master.
W.M. to J.D. How are we tyled, Brother Junior Deacon?
J.D. to W.M. By a brother Master Mason without the door, armed with
the proper instrument of his office.
W.M. to J.D. What arc his duties there?
J.D. to W.M. To keep off all cowans and eaves-droppers, and to see
that none pass or repass but such as are duly qualified and have
permission from the Worshipful Master.
The Master then seats the Senior and Junior Deacon with one rap.
W.M. to S.W. Arc you a Master Mason?
S.W. I am.
W.M. What induced you to become a Master Mason?
S.W. In order that I might receive Masters' wages, and be thereby
better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief
of poor, distressed Master Masons, their widows and orphans.
W.M. to S.W. Where were you made a Master Mason?
S.W. to W.M. In a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Master Masons.