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R e v i e w s
I am extremely proud. That was magnificent in every respect. Jerome was
very good and so was the whole event. I don’t know how we will match that.
Hon. Cynthia Forde, MP for St. Thomas and Chair of the Tom Adams
Memorial Committee.
‘Good Morning Team. I can only use one word to describe last night’s
presentation of the Tom Adams Memorial Lecture….stellar. ..... last night
has set an event planning standard to which we shall aspire. Blessings to
you all.’ Ricardo Blackman
‘An excellent lecture.’ Harold Hoyte, Editor Emeritus, Nation
‘Well done, very well done. I am proud of you. I think the evening was a
success.’ Sherwood McCaskie
‘You captivated the audience. They left with information.’
‘Great presentation. People stunned. Sir Trevor thought it was excellent.
People can’t believe you are not a historian.’ Nigel Whitehall
‘I wanted to let you know that the lecture was brilliant. And the lace was
‘burst’ as the young people would say.’ Rene Brathwaite
‘Great address! You do know how to make the English language come
alive.’ Carlyle Best
‘Excellent lecture on Thursday night! Naturally well-researched and fit-
tingly presented with aplomb! Refreshing ‘three-part’ style presentation
with appetiser summary opinions interspersed with the formal introduc-
tions, followed by the factual discourse inter-weaved with the anecdotes in
support of positions.’ Trevor Leach
‘Magnificent lecture. I did not realise he did so much in just eight and a half
years’ Gordon Ashby
‘Great presentation. BLP needs to place Tom Adams more in the forefront.’
‘Wow that presentation was excellent. I must have a copy. You were great.’
Jefferson Lashley
‘I have to say that lecture was beautiful and very enlightening. You single-
handedly delivered my vote to the BLP.’ L. Mayers
‘Excellent presentation.’ Dr. Sherma Roberts