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T H e   P R e s e N T e R

                                           senator  Jerome  walcott  is  a  former
                                           Consultant  General  surgeon  at  the  Queen
                                           elizabeth  Hospital,  (QeH)  and  Associate
                                           Lecturer in surgery.
                                           He is now an Honorary Consultant surgeon
                                           at the QeH with his own private practice.

                                           He  was  Leader  of  Government  Business  in
                                           the senate from 2001 - 2003 and Member of
                                           Parliament for Christ Church south from May
                                           2003 to January 2008.

                                           He  also  served  as  Minister  of  Health  from
                                           2001 to January 2008.

                                           senator  walcott  was  Project  Manager  for
                                           the  establishment  of  the  Caribbean  Public
                                           Health Agency, (CARPHA), from 2008 - 2011
                                           and interim Director from January 2012 until
        Senator Jerome Walcott
                                           February 2013.
                                           He was reappointed to the senate in March
                                           He  has  served  as  Chairman  and  General-
                                           secretary of the Barbados Labour Party, (BLP)

                             A C K N o w L e D G e M e N T s

                                   sHeRwooD MCCAsKie
                        CoReCReATive  &  CHAMeLeoN CoMMuNiCATioNs
                            ALFReD ALLMAN (GRAPHiC iMPRessioNs)
                             KuRT HAYNes & RoNNie CARRiNGToN
                                      MACKie HoLDeR

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