Page 4 - tAdams 102116 booklet-amend 3 (1)FA_Classical
P. 4

Q u o TA B L e

        ‘Ladies and gentlemen, it is a blight on our   by empowering thousands of working class
        politics and democracy - and the greatest   Barbadians to own property and enjoy the
        absurdity in our history - that the work and   modern amenities that were mushrooming
        worth of Tom Adams has been lost to the   across the island.’
        murky machinations of political forces. ‘
                                              ‘it is doubtful that in the annals of the history
        ‘Nothing was as exciting as Tom in the House   of Barbados whether any initiative will be as
        of Assembly. His interventions were textbook   encompassing, of the scale, or as uplifting of
        studies in content, phrasing, and emphasis,   the spirit as the social and economic revolu-
        economy of words, the motivational, and   tion of the Tenantries Act.
        the cruel put down. You listened to Tom to
        learn. He inspired us youngsters to go for   On that alone, Tom Adams is incomparable.’
        excellence, to debate among ourselves, to be
        curious and to be achievers.’         ‘The circumstances of Caribbean politics
                                              and lives might have been so very different
        ‘Reflect on the fact, too, that 30 years ago,   without the tenacity of Tom to take a stand
        Tom Adams, the visionary, was not only   for democracy in the region. ‘
        speaking of four lane highways but of the
        impending computer revolution.        ‘Barbados requires this application of intel-
                                              lect of the Tom Adams model rather than
        He stated emphatically in 1985 that, in a few   what has been our lot for the last seven or
        years, computers would replace type-writers   so years. Intelligence without ambition is
        on every desk in offices. This was remarkable   wasted. Tom Adams maximised his intellect
        for at that time the average Barbadian had   with a soaring ambition, ingenious in its
        only heard of this new “machine” called a   simplicity - to make Barbados the best small
        computer and hardly knew anything about   island state in the world.’
                                              ‘Yes, there was the extraordinary, the remark-
        ‘Each measure shows Tom to be far more   able, and the unusual. But Tom Adams also
        multi-dimensional than just the political and   excelled in what is called “secondary great-
        economic guru of his time, and reflects an   ness”, the issues of ReAL LiFe - those things in
        unchanging component of his philosophy;   a country that are relevant; in fact, necessary,
        that, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, “the   for the common and universal good and day
        care of human life and happiness is the first   to day living.
        and only object of good government”.’
                                              Can you imagine a Tom Adams administra-
        ‘The benefits of the removal of the concept   tion glibly presiding over the severest water
        of illegitimacy through the status of Children   problems for almost two years?’
        Reform Act will endure as long as there is a
        Barbados.’                            The least we can expect from our leaders is
                                              to deal with the “issues of real life”, provide
        ‘By far the greatest of these measures cham-  at the very least the five basic components
        pioned by Tom was the Tenantries Freehold   for which Government exists - to provide
        Purchase Act of 1980. This Act completed the   shelter, health care, education sanitation and
        total emancipation of the Barbadian society   transport.

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