Page 78 - VCC 2022 Capital Plan New
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charges for infractions of the By-Laws and Rules of the Club.
5.10. Account Charges. The Club shall render statement of account to each member
immediately following the last day of each month. The statement of account shall be deemed
received by the Member five (5) days after the mailing date or send date if sent by electronic mail to
an address provided to the Club by the Member.
5.11 Capital Assessments. Notwithstanding any other provision of these By Laws, any Formatted: Font: Bold
Capital Assessment approved by the membership and levied upon a Member is due and payable as
provided for at the time of levy. Any Capital Assessment or portion thereof not paid within twenty
(20) days of the billing date shall be considered late and a late charge of $50 shall be assessed. Any
Capital Assessment or portion thereof not paid within thirty days of the billing date shall subject the
Member to suspension or expulsion at the discretion of the Board.
6.1. Only Written Complaints Acceptable. Member complaints and grievances shall be
held in strictest confidence, submitted in writing, signed and dated by the complainant, and
appropriately addressed in the manner described in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 hereunder.
6.2. By-Laws and Rules Infractions. Any infractions of the By-Laws and Rules of the Club
shall be reported to the Board through its designated Committee or the General Manager. The
designated Committee or General Manager shall investigate the charge and report its findings to the
Board at its next regular meeting. The Board shall determine the appropriate action to be taken, if
any, and the Secretary shall report the Board action, if any, to the complainant.
6.3. Procedure Regarding Employees. Complaints concerning employees of the Club shall
be made only to the General Manager. The General Manager shall investigate the complaint and
determine the action to be taken by the Club. The General Manager shall advise the complainant of
the action taken, if any. Repeated complaints against the same employee shall be brought to the
attention of the Board by the General Manager. Complaints against the General Manager shall be
made directly to the Club President who will investigate and report to the Board at its next regular or
special meeting with the President's recommendation. With the approval of the Board, the President
will resolve the complaint with the General Manager and report to the complainant the action taken,
if any.
Guests shall be welcome at the Club when sponsored by a Member in good standing.
Appropriate guest fees and the circumstances under which guests may use the various Facilities of
the Club shall be established by the Board from time to time. All guest fees will be the responsibility
of the sponsoring Member. Guests shall be subject to the By-Laws and Rules of the Club. The
sponsoring Member shall at all times be responsible for the conduct, charges attributable to, and