Page 41 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
P. 41

Oxford West Properties I, LLLP

 Financial Analysis Report
 Managed by RISE Residential
 As of December 31, 2021

 08/31/2021 09/30/2021 10/31/2021 11/30/2021 12/31/2021 01/31/2022 02/28/2022 03/31/2022 04/30/2022 05/31/2022 06/30/2022 07/31/2022  Total  Original
 Actual  Actual  Actual  Actual  Actual  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Act/Bud  Budget  Variance
 6561 - Pool Parts & Supplies  186  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  500  150  150  986  950         36
 6570 - Equipment and Tools  28  254  55  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   335         0        336
 6571 - Fitness Equipment Repair  0  0  0  373  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  373       0        373
 6574 - Light Bulbs  423  467  0  0  0  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  1,590  1,850   (260)
 6576 - Life Safety System R&M  287  1,903  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2,190  1,900     290
 6578 - Maintenance Uniforms  218  218  218  134  218  250  250  250  250  250  250  250  2,758  3,000  (242)
 TOTAL REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE  3,805  4,891  1,562  2,786  1,144  1,740  1,890  1,690  1,940  2,190  2,040  1,890  27,568  27,260  308
 6205 - Advertising/Marketing  5,176  377  100  0  (805)  37  37  5,037  37  37  37  37  10,107  10,444  (338)
 6212 - Internet Advertising  5,588  4,772  838  583  1,099  1,250  2,250  3,250  4,250  3,250  1,250  1,250  29,629  30,900  (1,270)
 6214 - Brochures  0  0  (1)  0  176  0  0  0  0  0  0       0        176         0        175
 6215 - Signage / Flags/ Banners  0  0  160  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  160     300       (140)
 6218 - Leasing Promotional Activities  1,151  472  2,318  377  471  200  400  400  400  600  200  200  7,187  6,800  387
 6222 - Model Expense  0  0  0  0  0  150  0  0  150  0  0  150       450       600       (150)
 6261 - Promotional Items  4,487  0  0  0  0  0  2,000  0  0  0  0  0  6,487   7,000      (513)
 6283 - Gift Cards and Leasing Incentives  15,000  0  0  0  (5,000)  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10,000  10,000  0
 TOTAL MARKETING & LEASING  31,402  5,621  3,415  960  (4,059)  1,637  4,687  8,687  4,837  3,887  1,487  1,637  64,196  66,044  (1,849)
 6450 - C/A Electricity  1,855  1,775  1,474  1,536  1,834  2,007  2,016  2,006  2,004  2,006  2,005  2,004  22,525  20,175  2,351
 6452 - C/A Natural Gas  0  0  0  12  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0         12         0         12
 TOTAL C/A UTILITIES EXPENSE  1,855  1,775  1,474  1,548  1,834  2,007  2,016  2,006  2,004  2,006  2,005  2,004  22,537  20,175  2,363

 6460 - Electricity Vacant Units  3,181  2,645  5,377  1,889  2,629  1,913  2,677  2,601  1,530  2,754  1,530  1,530  30,255  30,505  (251)
 6461 - Electricity Occupied Units  15,530  15,610  10,569  10,620  26,760  24,396  20,640  22,308  14,157  13,330  12,040  18,060  204,020  198,041  5,979
 6462 - Cable  4,818  4,818  4,818  4,818  3,693  4,818  4,818  4,818  4,818  4,818  4,818  4,818  56,691  57,816  (1,124)
 6463 - Water/Sewer Units  11,889  10,973  15,767  12,500  13,772  8,740  9,120  14,196  12,675  12,168  11,520  10,647  143,966  138,589  5,377
 6464 - Natural Gas  1,382  1,702  530  1,874  7,822  6,100  6,100  4,500  3,000  3,000  1,000  1,500  38,513  40,550  (2,038)
 6465 - Internet Service  12,211  12,211  6,377  11,792  10,180  12,200  12,200  12,200  12,200  12,200  12,200  12,200  138,170  146,400  (8,229)
 TOTAL UNIT UTILITIES EXPENSE  49,011  47,959  43,438  43,493  64,856  58,167  55,555  60,623  48,380  48,270  43,108  48,755  611,615  611,901  (286)
 TOTAL UTILITIES  50,866  49,734  44,912  45,041  66,690  60,174  57,571  62,629  50,384  50,276  45,113  50,759  634,152  632,076  2,077

 6320 - Management Fee  13,597  11,266  11,100  11,263  11,270  12,415  12,578  13,118  11,203  11,320  11,577  11,223  141,929  140,817  1,112
 TOTAL MANAGEMENT FEES  13,597  11,266  11,100  11,263  11,270  12,415  12,578  13,118  11,203  11,320  11,577  11,223  141,929  140,817  1,112

 TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENSES  276,309  121,120  101,246  101,457  113,361  123,426  123,235  124,661  113,679  110,299  99,347  109,891  1,518,031  1,531,835  (13,803)
 CONTROLLABLE CASH FLOW  (2,946)  169,044  190,412  174,557  190,474  186,940  191,215  203,289  166,396  172,701  190,078  170,695  2,002,855  1,988,594  14,261

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