Page 253 - Making Instruction Work
P. 253

chap 20  3/11/97 5:17 PM  Page 239


                            Implementing the


                   Situation: Everything has been prepared, you’re pre-
                   pared, and students are about to arrive.

              Now you’re ready to begin the instruction. You may do it
              primarily through lecture, through a self-paced format,
              through a “distance learning” format, through computer or
              video, or through some combination of these formats. These
              delivery formats tend to clump themselves into two basic vari-
                1. Instructor-controlled, where the instructor controls the
                    flow of events (e.g., lectures in the classroom, lectures by
                    video), and

                2. Performance-controlled, where learning activities are
                    controlled by student progress toward accomplishment
                    of an objective (e.g., usually through self-paced for-
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