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A letter from our CEO and

Chairman of the Board

We offer this report on Berkshire’s progress to you, our partners in success. You will see the power of our
programs and how they meet a wide spectrum of our youths’ needs. Thanks to the residential Twombly
Leadership Academy, Dyanni stopped following the wrong crowd and now listens to his rising inner voice
saying, “My core self is a kind, loving, good person…before, I wore a mask that was tough and disrespectful
... Now I’m living life as my core self.” Thanks to Berkshire’s Foster Care and Adoption services, two-year-old
Matthew has joined his half-sister Lily in a loving home where their dads aspire to send their kids to college.
In Berkshire’s Bridge Program, and fostered by a Berkshire family, Katie’s powerful spirit shines: her grades
are excellent; she has overcome addiction, and she aspires to become an Army Ranger. In group homes
and prevention programs children overcome harsh lives in settings of support where they now envision a
productive future.

You have played an essential role in turning around these lives. Counties and courts fund our basic services.
Private philanthropy then funds our excellence, allowing us to innovate and meet far more than minimal
needs. With individuals’ gifts, bequests, foundation grants, golf event proceeds, and plant sale earnings, we pay
Workforce Development Program students, initiate cutting-edge group therapies, and fund the ongoing studies
of our high school graduates. The resources you contribute to Berkshire allow us to help children overcome
their traumatized histories with exceptional programs, charting a course that fulills our mission to strengthen
children and families so they can live safely, independently, and productively within their home communities.

Dyanni, Matthew, Lily, Justin, Katie and each of the 8,500 children and family members we served this year -
through foster and adoption care, prevention programs, group homes, the Canaan residential treatment
center, and our school programs at the Bridge or Berkshire Union Free Junior and Senior High School - joins
Berkshire’s Board and executive team in expressing our deepest thanks for your generosity. As Chair and
President, we congratulate you on the impact you have had through your gifts, just as we congratulate young
people who overcome daunting obstacles with Berkshire’s support.

With our gratitude,

Robert A. Kandel, Chairman Timothy Giacchetta, President & CEO
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