Page 7 - AnnualReportFlip-2014
P. 7
“It was the difference between night
and day with Berkshire on our side,”

Wayne says. “The whole process was much shorter, much easier, and our
family specialist felt like part of our family. She bonded with us. She even
came to Matthew’s adoption ceremony.”

The kids call Brian “Papa” and Wayne “Poppy” and the family is
thriving. Brian and Wayne are raising two beautiful children in an
accepting, supportive community. Lily has her brother (and immediately
asked to give him back). And Matthew is doing what happy two-year-olds
do…looking for, and inding, mischief. Brian took advantage of the state’s
early retirement incentive to stay home with the kids, and Wayne continues
to work for the state.

“The kids don’t feel any different than anyone else for having two dads,”
Wayne says. “In fact, Lily proudly introduces us to her school friends as
‘my Poppy and my Papa’ and no one bats an eye.” It’s clear that Brian
and Wayne are proud of their kids, too.

“Lily is a girly girl,” Brian explains. “She loves pink and purple; she loves
to wear dresses. She’s opinionated and funny. Matthew, on the other hand,
is a boy’s boy. He’s into everything, and if he sees a ball, he’ll pick it up
and throw it.”

As we visit, Lily bursts through the front door after a long day at school,
exclaiming, “I’m here!” She strides into the kitchen with purpose, plunks
herself down at the table, and begins to paint her nails a bright pink. At
the same time, Matthew stirs in his crib upstairs. He arrives on the scene
fresh from a nap and smiling from ear to ear. He grabs his toy football
and climbs on Brian’s lap as Wayne prepares snacks.

What’s next for the family? “Getting
these kids through college,” Wayne

says, filling Matthew’s sippy cup

with milk. “But not before we settle
down on the couch to snuggle and

watch a movie.”
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