Page 6 - AnnualReportFlip-2014
P. 6
A Loving Family

The Shatraw Family: Brian and Wayne,

Lily (6) and Matthew (2), Voorheesville, NY

Brian and Wayne never dreamed they’d be parents together. After all, Wayne already had two grown sons
from a previous marriage and is nearing retirement age. Brian, 60, was looking forward to wrapping up
the inal years of a long and distinguished career with New York State.

But one day, shortly before their 10th anniversary, the couple received a call: Wayne’s oldest son, who was
serving time in prison, announced that he was going to be a father. The Department of Social Services
previously removed a toddler from the care of the biological mother, and his son, the biological father,
was in and out of correctional facilities. No other family member would be able to care for the infant.
“We knew right away that we wanted—needed—the baby,” Wayne says.

40 With fewer than two months to prepare, Brian and Wayne readied their home, relationship, and lives for
this brand new little person. And a mere three days after her arrival in the world, baby Lily made Brian and
Wayne instant—if not yet oficial—parents.
Number of adoptions in 2014
The family’s story is a long one, illed with frustrations and triumphs. On the road from kinship care to
400 adoption, the couple did their best to navigate the adoption process through their county’s Department of
Social Services, but often felt adrift in a sea of paperwork, red tape, and mandatory prison visits to Lily’s
Number of certified foster biological father, incarcerated more than ive hours away. After three long years, the courts oficially and
legally declared Lily their daughter.
families throughout NYS
133 And then history repeated itself—right around
the time Lily began asking for a baby brother.
Number of children successfully
reunited with their biological
families or caretaker Wayne’s son and wife, homeless at the time, were pregnant. When the baby, Matthew, was born, he was
placed in a temporary foster home at the request of his biological parents. Wayne immediately iled
custody papers and partnered with Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth.
94 % Through Berkshire’s foster care and adoption program, Brian and Wayne were assigned a family

of children in foster care who
and legal proceedings to facilitating parental visits and daycare. They also received ongoing support,
are actively engaged in services. specialist who functioned as part of their team—helping the couple with everything from paperwork
guidance, and assistance securing appropriate support services and medical insurance for Matthew.
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