Page 23 - Luce 2015
P. 23
College M emories
memories from the
40s & 50s
Jenny Taplin, Floranne Everson, Dr Mary Playford
College life Summer days
Jenny: We were expected to go to Floranne: We had common room Floranne: We always did our washing
chapel three times a week, in addition dances and used to invite the boys from in the ‘domi con’ area and we hung it
to Sunday. We'd walk to the Chapel Newman and Trinity. We had dance on lines strung on the roof of Manifold
along the brick path in front of Behan cards with little pencils and the dances Wing. This was above the kitchen and
which was known as ‘Purity Path’ or the went on ‘til midnight. Usually, male there was black tar paper on the roof
‘Sheep Walk’. You had to watch where visitors were only allowed in during the and we used to sunbake there.
you were going – there were cows in the day and not in the small rooms in Traill.
paddock adjacent to the Chapel. If you went out to a dance you had to Jenny: On Sundays in the summer we
Miss Joske used to come to Chapel and be in by 10 or 10.30pm and you had to used to sit out on the lawns shelling peas
she was terribly deaf, poor thing. She sign in and out. There would be a tutor for lunch. Miss Joske was keen that we
was forever delving into the front of her waiting at the door. Margaret Blackwood should help Mr and Mrs Morris who
blouse to adjust the transistor that aided was a tutor in my day. were preparing the Sunday roast in the
her hearing! kitchen.
Mary: Two freshers would wait on High
Floranne: For lunch I would rush back Table at dinner every night. I will never Mary: As a prank we painted pink
to College. We went through Trinity past forget my horror when I accidentally elephants on the windows of Trinity’s
the cow paddock. You felt as though tipped gravy down Miss Bagnall’s old wooden wing (since disappeared) –
you were walking the gauntlet as the back! She took it very well, under the the windows were facing JCH. In return
Trinity boys lounged up against the circumstances… the Trinity boys managed to put green
fence and eyed off the talent! They used dye in our showers so some of the girls
to call JCH ‘the Virgins’ Retreat’. Jenny: For the cooking exam I came out a most unusual colour!
made shepherd’s pie and chocolate
Mary: Friendships and camaraderie blancmange. I distinctly remember that Jenny: I wonder if everyone remembers
were hugely valuable – we’d share the examiner said that my pie was not the JCH Song…
suppers at night. We cooked toast and bad but that the herbs were too strong.
crumpets on the radiator! Later, when I promptly said, ‘I like it that way!’ Janet Clarke we sing to you
I had a fireplace in Traill, my father I remember, too, that they also gave Mother of us all,
brought down wood from Kyneton and me a book on how to do housework – In our hearts we sing to you
the odd job man Billy would bring it to for example, you must clean the stairs Thanks for this our hall.
the room. from top to bottom, not the other way We have worked and we have played
around! Oft within the courtyard's glade,
But when everything has gone
Mary: Yvonne Aitken looked after the We will not forget you.
freshers – she took a very motherly
interest in the students.
1954 College photo
J anet Clarke Hall 23