Page 27 - Luce 2015
P. 27

A l umni News

            Vicki Ponsford

            Vicki was a                       From 2002 until her retirement from   million prize, their project ‘Libromat’ has
            student at the                    the Department of Immigration and   received $200,000 from an investor to
            University of                     Border Protection in December 2015,   continue piloting and developing their
            Melbourne from                    Vicki worked in the area of refugee   innovative laundry and book sharing
            1971 to 1975                      status determination with on-shore   program.
            completing a BA                   arrivals and boat arrivals. She undertook
            and Diploma of                    numerous deployments and was sent
            Social Studies,                   to detention centres to interview and
            qualifying as a                   assess applications for protection visas,
            social worker.                    making trips to Christmas Island, Nauru
            She embraced life at JCH to the full,   and centres across Australia. In 2006,
            making many lifelong friendships during   she travelled to Jordan and Syria on a
            her three years at College, her final   short term mission to interview Iraqi
            year being the first of co-education, a   and Afghan applicants for the Offshore
            significant period in the history of JCH   Humanitarian Program. Direct contact
            and a time of social ferment and change.    with the victims of the Iraq war was   Libromat
                                              confronting and stories of persecution
            After a year at the Royal Melbourne   heartrending. At that time Syria was   Her team was recently named in Forbes
            Hospital in 1975, Vicki went to work   peaceful, but now is devastated by civil   ‘30 under 30 social entrepreneurs in
            with a small agency serving the Italian   war and a mass exodus of citizens.    Europe’. Additionally, Jenny is enjoying
            community, CO-AS-IT, where she                                      her rowing and is currently on track
            worked for four years.  During this time   Vicki dealt with many cases of Sri   to represent Oxford University at
            she learned Italian and undertook a   Lankans, Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis   the Henley Boat Races as part of the
            government funded study tour of Italy.    and Iraqis in recent years reflecting   University's light-weight women's crew.
            In 1980 Vicki went to Italy to study   the exodus from areas of conflict and
            Italian in Florence. Captivated by the   oppression and saw the stories behind   Dublin Calling
            country and the lifestyle she remained   the headlines.  Through several changes
            there for several years.  After working for   of government she witnessed the   Lucilla Ronnai (2013) is currently in
            the Red Cross in Salerno in the south in   changes in the policies impacting on   Ireland, working as the Heritage Council
            an earthquake relief project she worked   asylum seekers.           Conservation Intern in the Trinity College
            as an English teacher in Milan.                                     Library Conservation Department – home
                                              After leaving the public sector, Vicki is   to the world famous ‘Book of Kells’.
            After returning to Australia, Vicki joined   looking forward to taking new directions
            the then Department of Immigration and   and returning to the community sector   Lucy writes that it is ‘incredible to
            Ethnic Affairs as a social worker in 1987.     to engage with asylum seekers in a   be amongst so much valuable material
            From social work with newly arrived   different capacity and provide support   and getting to touch it, let alone treat it!
            migrants and refugees, she moved into   to some of those who are impacted by   One of my projects includes a large 17th
            administrative roles managing funding   current government policies.            Century Dutch vellum bound atlas that
            for ethnic community organisations and                              is filled with incredible hand coloured
            later to a liaison role with community   On the Rhodes (again)      engravings. Over a hundred of them.
            groups, preparing briefings and speech                              I am loving it in Dublin for obvious
            notes for Ministers and reporting on   2015 has been an amazing year for JCH   reasons.’
            community activities and dynamics for   alumna and past residential tutor
            government.                       Dr Jenny Tran. Jenny completed her
                                              MSc in Global Health Science at
            During the 1990s in different roles,    Oxford and is now reading a DPhil
            Vicki worked on many projects     at the Department of Obstetrics and
            including the government’s social justice   Gynaecology.
            agenda, equal employment opportunity,
            women’s issues, domestic violence and
            sponsorship of women as brides.  She
            travelled to the Philippines to study
            the Filipino bride phenomenon and
            international sex tourism. Vicki also
            worked on the co-ordination of the
            Living in Harmony program which was
            the government response to racism.     She was part of a team of Oxford
            This led to a secondment to the   students who were finalists for the
            Victorian state as a policy officer   Hult Prize Challenge, the world’s
            in 2000 where she worked on the   largest student competition and start-
            introduction of the Racial and Religious   up platform for social good. While
            Tolerance legislation.            narrowly missing out on winning the $1   Lucilla Ronnai

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