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             Rosemary Davidson (Thomas 1950)                    Jennifer Norris Smithers (Muntz 1954)
             22 July 1931– 21 November 2015                     16 November 1935 – 16 August 2015

            After passing first year Science at the Mildura Branch              Jenny Smithers (1954) was born in
            University – a post-war necessity with the influx of those          Dimboola, and lived in Beaufort during
            doing scientific courses – in 1950 Rosemary Thomas entered          the war ears before boarding at Merton
            Janet Clarke Hall in order to complete her course. This she         Hall.  In 1954 Jenny entered the University
            did, taking the Exhibition in Biochemistry in 1951.                 of Melbourne to study for combined
                                                                                degrees in Arts and Law,  taking up a
            Staying on within the University grounds, Rosemary took             place in the College on a Sarah Stock
            a position in the Public Health Laboratory, situated in the         Scholarship.  She was elected Senior
            School of Bacteriology (now the Ian Potter Museum). It   Student of the College in 1957. It is said that in that year she
            was here that she met Alastair Davidson, whom she later   starred in ‘Juttodie’ when she dressed up as Miss Joske (long
            married. Alastair was also a resident tutor at Trinity College.   term and much feared Principal of the College) – but her sense
            Rosemary’s working life then took her to the medical   of fun and interest in extracurricular engagements were always
            laboratory at the Children’s Hospital. She left this work while
            her two children (Jennifer and Andrew who are now both   balanced by regard for her studies, in which she graduated with
            medicos) were young.                               distinction.
            When Rosemary returned to work, it was to be a senior   While in JCH Jenny formed lasting friendships with Elspeth
            demonstrator and tutor in Microbiology at Monash   Haydon (Hallowes), Ros Steeper (Smallwood), Hilary Feltham,
            University, the Pharmacy College, and then back to   Virginia McKee (Shattock), Barbara Bott (Hill), Barbara
            Melbourne University, where she took on additional   Letheren (Bennett), Mary Reynolds (Newsome), Rosy Grant
            responsibilities at the Melbourne Diagnostic Unit.   (Hallowes), Elizabeth Richards (Feltham) and Diana Christie
            Rosemary’s family had a long link with Janet Clarke Hall. Her
            great-aunt Susie Williams had been Acting Principal in 1919,   She also met Trinity student Adrian Smithers, whom she married
            and later her aunt, Helen MacDonald was a student there.   in 1958 and with whom she travelled and worked abroad before
            Throughout her life, Rosemary continued this strong link   returning to Melbourne, where five children (Jonathan, Richard,
            with the College. She joined as a Life Member of the Trinity   Patrick (JCH 1982), Penny, and Edward) were born in the
            Women’s Society at the time of her graduation. The name   1960s.  Her JCH connnections deepened for Jenny as Jonathan
            was later changed to Janet Clarke Hall Society, and during   later married Jenny, the daughter of Rosemary Davidson (for
            much of that time Rosemary served on the Committee. For   whose obituary see to left), and friendships continued with
            many of those years she acted as Honorary Secretary.    Barbara Bult (Ward-Ambler), Helen Grutzner, Todd and Anna
                                                               McDonald (Hallowes).
            Rosemary’s later life was involved with family, now expanded
            to include five grandchildren. She also had a broad range of   In 1978 Jennifer retired after 20 years as a family lawyer at
            interests, including the welcoming holiday home at Yanakie   Patricia Clancy and Associates, enrolling in a graduate diploma
            with its garden and birdlife, ballet and theatre, plus the   in History at the University of Melbourne. Always proud of the
            Lyceum Club and its many activities.
                                                               College and its alumni, she served for many years on the JCH
                                                               Society Committee as President, Vice-President and Committee
             Stuart William Grant                              member, and was a guest speaker at a JCH dinner with her
             31 March 1991 – 27 December 2014                  husband Adrian on the topic of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
                                                               Among her many interests and activities in retirement, she loved
            On 27 December 2014 Stuart Grant (2010) was tragically   spending time with friends from school and Janet Clarke Hall.
            killed in a road accident in Canada.

            He spent his first year of study in Melbourne living at JCH, and   The College acknowledges, in sympathy, those deceased
            in 2012 he completed his degree in Bachelor of Production in   alumni of whom it has become aware since the previous
            the faculty of the Victorian College of the Arts.   edition. Together with the accompanying obituaries, the
                                                                College has also learned of the following deaths in our
            He was accepted to the Work/Study Program at The Banff   community.
            Centre in Alberta, Canada in 2014 and left Australia to take
            up this prestigious position in May of that year. Of the many   We extend our sympathy to the families of these JCH alumnae:

            applicants world-wide, only one is selected for the 18 month   Sheila Bignell (1941)
            tenure in the Technical Management and Production area. It   1922 – 2014
            was an ambition of Stuart’s to undertake study at The Banff   Pauline McConnachie (1945)
            Centre, and acceptance there was a very proud moment for   1928 – 2016
            him and for his parents.
                                                                      Virginia Ann Shattock (McKee 1954)
            Stuart was living his dream in Canada and achieved much in   1937 – 2014
            his very short lifetime.                                  Jennie Vaughan (Billing, 1953)
                                                                      1934 – 2014

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