Page 25 - Luce 2015
P. 25

College M emories

                                                 memories from the
                                               90s & 00s

                                          Chi Li and Sarah Chadwick

            Two JCH alumni from the turn of the millennium remember Janet Clarke Hall for hot meals, good company and MSN
            Messenger. Here each of them describes where life has taken them, and how they’ve kept in touch with College friends.
            Chi Li (2000) was best known at JCH for   misunderstanding about palliative care   another over the years. I know these
            his friendly smile and StarCraft skills.  Chi  in our community. People often think   close friendships will last a lifetime -
            is now a palliative care physician and   palliative care is about dying and ‘giving   they’ve already survived our living in
            research fellow working in Melbourne   up’, when it’s actually about living as   different cities for more than a decade.
            and Ballarat. For a kid leaving home for   well as possible despite a nasty illness.
            the first time, he reflects, ‘Janet Clarke   Some people think it’s about euthanising   I’ve been working at the Bureau of
            Hall was a safe place, a base from which   people, even though these are actually   Meteorology since I graduated and
            to explore, and the people I met there felt  very different concepts: palliative care   I really enjoy making a difference to
            like family. We’d talk for hours in each   is about reducing suffering in order to   people’s lives and personal safety
            other’s rooms, or over MSN Messenger,   live, while euthanasia is about ending   through my work. We work 24 hours a
            debating the meaning of life and all that   suffering by hastening death.  day, 7 days a week, including Christmas
            teenage angst stuff, as if it’d never been                          Day and all other public holidays. The
            thought about before and we were on   I still keep in touch with a few of my   feel and flow of the shifts can change a
            the verge of discovering something mind-  College friends. Facebook is also pretty   lot depending on the weather.  Extreme
            blowing.  And StarCraft - there was a lot   handy for keeping up with the gossip!’  weather such as severe thunderstorms,
            of StarCraft.                                                       heat waves, outbreaks of fire, or east
                                                                   Sarah        coast lows that bring torrential rain and
            I came to College not being too sure                   Chadwick     gale force winds really impact people,
            where I’d end up. I’d volunteered at the               (née Hicks,   infrastructure and Emergency Services.
            local hospital in Brisbane and enjoyed                 1998) loved   Working closely with Emergency
            the experience, but really had no idea                 to ride in the   Services is really rewarding, but it is hard
            what being a doctor was actually about.                luggage lift   work. We provide tailored forecasting
            I certainly didn’t know that I’d end                   (shhh) and   services for individual bushfire locations,
            up working in palliative care.  I guess                prank anyone   monitored around the clock.  During the
            like many school leavers, I just picked                silly enough   Blue Mountains bushfires of 2013 I spent
            something I thought I might be interested   Sarah Chadwick (née Hicks)  a few days embedded within the Rural
            in, got lucky, and I’m just glad that it all                        Fire Service Headquarters, working
            turned out pretty well!           to leave their door unlocked.  She’s now   closely with fire behaviour analysts who
                                              a senior forecaster based in the Sydney   use weather data to predict the rate
            My interest in palliative care came later   office of the Bureau of Meteorology,   of spread and intensity of fire fronts.
            on in my studies, when I actually started   supervising a small team of forecasters.  Forecasting and monitoring the arrival
            spending time with patients. I’m helping   ‘Maths was always my favourite subject,   time and strength of a wind change
            patients and families navigate an often   so I wanted to study a Science degree   accurately is critical to fire fighting
            difficult but also potentially wonderful   majoring in Mathematics.  I decided   operations. We also give key briefings
            time in their lives. I love my work. The   to add Mechanical Engineering for a   for events that are not so life threatening,
            big reward is the people I meet and the   double degree. I was never one who had  for example helping fireworks organisers
            stories they share with me.       a clear path in mind.  I have always just   set up safe fireworks displays every New
                                              followed my nose, choosing things that   Year’s Eve.
            Even though I’ve finished my specialty   interest me at the time.
            training and am now working at three                                Technological changes are an interesting
            different health services as a palliative   Living at JCH while I studied made a   challenge to the future of weather
            care physician and clinical researcher, I’m  big difference to how well I settled in   forecasting.  When I first started work
            still learning more about palliative care   after moving to Melbourne.  I grew up   in 2004, we were providing a public
            every time I see a patient or spend time   in a small town: when I started primary   weather service that was a written text
            with their family. I suspect I will feel this   school there were 60 kids in the whole   for a select number of places in each
            way for the rest of my career.    school.  Taking public transport by   state.  Now we edit graphically a grid
                                              myself was a new thing to me as there   of 6 km by 6 km blocks (3 km by 3 km
            There is quite a lot of fear and   wasn’t even a bus where I lived!  So it   in Victoria and Tasmania) for multiple
                                              was really helpful to have a home base   weather elements such as temperature
                                              where there was always someone to talk   and winds on an hourly to 3 hourly
                                              to, a hot meal, and friendship.   basis.

                                              At JCH I met many wonderful friends   The accuracy of our computer models
                                              who were taking completely different   is ever-increasing and available at a
                                              classes to me, and who I would    finer and finer resolution.  There still
                                              otherwise never have met. I learnt a lot   remain very dynamic and hard to predict
                                              from them too. Many of these friends   weather systems, and many of these
                                              were from different parts of the state   more difficult to forecast systems are
                                              as well as from interstate and overseas,   where a forecaster can have the
                                              and we’ve had a great time visiting one   biggest impact.’
              Chi Li
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