Page 21 - Luce 2021
P. 21

B ooks   an d  Authors

            Northern Exposure

                                              social project. What limits do you see   Margot highlights
                                              on practical transfer of Nordic policy   the role Sweden
                                              to Australia?                     plays in tackling
                                                                                the shocking
                                              Some of those points are true but   statistical fact
                                              the combined population of the five   that one in
                                              neighbouring Nordic countries is very   every five girls
                                              similar to Australia’s – a little over 25   in the world
                                              million. The number of Swedes born   today under
                                              overseas has now risen to nearly one   the age of
                                              in every four, reflecting that country’s   18 years of age is
                                              very generous refugee intakes over   married. She argues that this violates
                                              the last decade. The Nordic countries   children’s right to a proper education.
            Dr Powell talks to Prof Andrew    have been moving positively, contrary   Girls who marry at age 14 or 15, as is
            Scott (1981), Convenor of the     to Australia’s move in the last quarter   the case in Chad and Niger, never have
                                              century away from its previous
                                                                                a chance to enjoy their childhood years.
            Nordic Policy Centre at the       multicultural achievements. We cannot   They are not allowed to play as boys
            Australia Institute and author of   simplistically transplant policies from   are, because they have to do so many
            works including Northern Lights   there. However, we can learn from,   household chores. On average they will
            (2014), about how Australia can   adapt and apply the lessons of their   also give birth to six or seven children.
            learn from Scandinavian policy    successful policies, in ways which   They do not get a genuine chance
                                                                                to live an independent life. Swedish
                                              positively align with some important
            achievements to improve our       existing Australian institutions, values   foreign policy helps to change this and
            own country.                      and approaches.                   Australian foreign policy needs to do so
                                                                                as well.
            You’ve written extensively about what   You’ve noted that in Australia we tend
            the Nordic nations can teach us in   to look to the US and UK in terms   Do you have any particular memories
            framing public policy in Australia,   of public policy comparisons. Is it   from your time in College? 
            including your new co-edited book    possible that our politicians will take
            The Nordic Edge: Policy Possibilities   on board the social programs of the   I chose Janet Clarke Hall because I liked
            for Australia. What are the key issues   Nordic nations, and what ideological   the character of the red brick building
            you think we need to take on board?  impediments stand in the way?   with its red leaves attractively creeping
                                                                                up the walls. JCH provided me with
            The proven successes of Sweden,   Many Australian politicians are already   a warm, secure environment, and a
            Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland   taking up social policies influenced   superb foundation for what I really
            show exciting possibilities for Australia   by Nordic nations. These include: the   wanted and needed then: which was
            to overcome its seemingly intractable   expanded provision of three-year-old   to throw myself fully into a new life,
            problems, to become fairer, wealthier,   kindergarten and moves to restore   of undergraduate student politics and
            happier and more environmentally   gender budgeting in Victoria and the   many other delights.
            responsible. The Nordic countries are   expansion of paid parental leave in
            the global leaders in gender equality.   order to achieve a greater role for fathers   I made some good friends. My best
            They have long taken climate change   in raising children. There have also   friend  was Terry Holliday (1981) who
            seriously and they tackle it with   been moves towards more needs-based   introduced me to the music of Diana
            supportive policies to boost renewable   funding for schools following Finland’s   Ross and the Supremes – and to the
            energy and the wide-scale uptake of   outstanding success in international   satire of Tom Lehrer. I enjoyed browsing
            electric vehicles. The Nordic countries   educational achievement through its   in the very traditional library, which
            also achieve good work/life balance and   emphasis on equity and on encouraging   had a bias towards British History,
            tax the extraction of natural resources   curiosity and a love of learning. There   consulting the entries in the bound
            adequately to fund a range of important   are significant ideological impediments   volumes of the National Dictionary of
            benefits: substantial paid parental leave;   to Australia further adopting Nordic   Biography. I also enjoyed editing the
            affordable, quality early childhood   policies, such as opposition to paying   JCH magazine that year and competing
            education and care; and free university   higher taxes. These can be overcome,   in inter-collegiate debating where we
            education. In addition, they pursue an   though, when the global evidence of   reached the grand final against Trinity;
            independent foreign policy and ensure   the better services which result from   all under the watchful stewardship
            media diversity.                  adequate revenue becomes more     of the then Principal, Dr Eva Eden, a
                                              widely known.                     distinguished Hungarian-born scientist.  
            These nations are widely regarded
            within the political left for their social   The Nordic Edge includes a chapter   Northern Lights and The Nordic Edge
            cohesion, but there are important   written for the collection by Sweden’s   are available from bookshops and from
            points of difference from Australia,   recent Foreign Minister, Margot   their respective publishers, Monash
            including geographical extent, and the   Wallström. What are the main points   and MUP.
            size and scale of multiculturalism as a   she makes there?
                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  21
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