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I nterview

         as Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Studies
         at Durham University, and is currently hard at work on new
         edited volumes for Penguin and Oxford University Press.
         We have a four-year-old son, Wolfe (known as Wolfie), who
         has astonished us with his resilience and adaptability in these
         last few months. He loves his new kindergarten, riding his
         scooter around Royal Park, sea swimming at St Kilda Beach,
         and trying new foods at the Night Markets, and ensures that
         we are getting excellent value for money from our annual
         passes to the zoo, museum, and aquarium! Melbourne is a
         fantastic place to live, work, and raise a child, and we’re all so
         glad that we had the opportunity to move here.

         What were your first impressions of JCH and Melbourne
         University? Are there key differences and similarities
         between JCH and St Chad’s?

         The University of Melbourne, with around 54,000 students
         (only 2600 of whom are members of a college), is a lot larger
         than Durham University which has only 20,000, all of whom
         are either residential or non-residential members of one of
         seventeen colleges. As such, the collegiate structure is the
         unique selling point of Durham University, and Heads of
         College are an influential collective, taking an active role in
         the University’s strategic planning and policy making. Whilst
         only a small proportion of the University of Melbourne’s
         students are members of a college, I’m keen to ensure   St Chad’s College, Durham University
         that as Heads of College, my colleagues and I can actively
         support the University in ensuring that as many students   I’m also exploring opportunities for the College to work in
         as possible are able to benefit from the ‘gold standard’ of a   partnership with organisations like Skyline Foundation and
         residential collegiate experience, regardless of their financial   Western Chances to help us reach the most economically and
         circumstances and socioeconomic background.         socially disadvantaged young people in the greater Melbourne
                                                             area. I am aiming to ensure that every academically gifted
         St Chad’s is in many ways like JCH, in that it is a purposefully   young person in Australia should at least be aware of the
         small and academically ambitious community, committed   opportunities for intellectual and personal growth offered by
         to rigorous but gracious intellectual debate, which values   association with JCH.
         each and every student as an individual. St Chad’s, with
         its history as an Anglican theological training college for   Of course, there is little point in reaching out to regional and
         young men from impecunious backgrounds, also has a   remote communities if we are not able to maintain our proud
         strong commitment to social justice and fair access to higher   tradition of offering financial support to deserving students.
         education. I certainly benefited from being a part of that   My ambition is for the College to be in a position to run
         family-sized, intentional community.                a needs-blind admission process for Australian applicants
                                                             (in which an institution does not consider an applicant’s
         It was immediately apparent to me when I arrived for my   financial situation when deciding admission and instead
         familiarisation visit to the College in April 2022 that JCH   makes decisions solely on merit and potential) by 2030. This
         is a community of considerable intellectual ambition and   will require us to grow the College’s endowment in the years
         achievement, but also one of warmth, rare authenticity, and   to come, and I’m looking forward to talking to our alumni
         friendliness. I was made to feel so welcome by staff and   and supporters about how they can help us fulfil this sector-
         students alike and left Melbourne after only six days already   leading ambition.
         feeling like a true JCHer!
                                                             Poetry is clearly a great passion for you. I read recently that
         I understand that broadening access for deserving students,   Pulitzer prize-winning Australian author Geraldine Brooks
         regardless of their financial circumstances, is important to   describes poets as ‘the Olympic gymnasts of writing’. What
         you as it certainly is for JCH.  Do you have any thoughts   do you make of that description?
         at this early stage about future directions or strategies to
         further that objective? What other objectives are likely to be   I like this quotation because it speaks to the effort – the
         your focus?                                         sheer hard graft – of writing poetry. Some of the best known
                                                             quotations about poetry (William Wordsworth’s suggestion
         One of the things I’m really excited about for the next   that ‘Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’,
         academic year is the opportunity to get out into regional and   for example, or John Keats’ admonition, ‘If poetry comes not
         remote Victorian schools and also travel to select interstate   as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at
         locations to strategically raise the profile of JCH, forging long-  all’) seem to suggest that a poem is an almost accidental, or
         term relationships with head teachers and careers advisors to   unconscious thing; something that doesn’t need to be, or,
         ensure that application rates remain high.          indeed, should not be, worked at, and that the poet is merely
                                                             a passive conduit for some divine inspiration.

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