Page 25 - Luce 2014
P. 25

A l umni News

            Internationally acclaimed as      All That False Instruction, published
            harpsichordist, organist, fortepianist and   under a pseudonym in 1975 and
            scholar Dr Jacky Ogeil (1987) is the   republished in her own name in 2001.
            artistic director of Duneira, a cultural   After returning to Australia she taught
            oasis centred on a Victorian house   creative writing at the University of New
            and 15 hectares of gardens on Mount   South Wales before a ‘tree change’ that
            Macedon. Opened to the public in   has taken her to northern New South
            2004, Duneira features a rich calendar   Wales and Tasmania, where she holds
            of musical and literary events. With her   an honourary fellowship within the
            husband, the conductor John O’Donnell   University of Tasmania.  Kerryn is a keen
            (director of the Canterbury Fellowship   gardener and local climate activist.
            Choir), Jacky also established the
            Woodend Winter Arts Festival, which   Collision Course is published by The MIT
            celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2014.   Press and distributed in Australasia by
                                              Footprint Books (
            To find out more, visit http://www.
   and http://www.   There is no better way to note the   Elizabeth Sevior (Creswell 1948) looks
    importance of Elizabeth Blackburn   at JCH photos from the past in the
                                              (1966) and Peter Doherty than to take   SCR with her daughter Madeleine and
            Erika Feller (1967) has been appointed   a walk down Royal Parade from the   granddaughter Molly on a recent visit to
            a University of Melbourne Vice-   College. In 2014, Fellow and Nobel   the College
            Chancellor’s Fellow, in which role she   Laureate Dr Blackburn was honoured
            will provide leadership in debates on   by the naming of the new Elizabeth          Musician and
            refugee policy across the region.  Erika   Blackburn School of Sciences which       composer
            was back in JCH for the Leadership   teaches 200 high-performing year               Councillor Rohan
            Dinner, and within the University she   11 and 12 students in partnership           Leppert (2003)
            will encourage better dialogue between   between University High School and the     holds the Arts and
            academics and policy makers in the   University of Melbourne. Just on from          Culture portfolio
            face of a global refugee crisis.  She is   the Elizabeth Blackburn School, our      for the City of
            uniquely placed to lead this dialogue,   Nobel Prize winning College Visitor Prof   Melbourne,
            after long service as the UNHCR’s   Doherty was honoured by the naming              working with
            Assistant High Commissioner of the   of the new Peter Doherty Institute for   community programs with a particular
            United Nations Refugee Agency that   Infection and Immunity.        focus on Melbourne’s vibrant Arts scene.
            oversees the protection of millions of
            refugees worldwide. She is based at   Musican and lawyer Olivia Hally
            the Melbourne School of Government,   (2010) has been touring North America   JCH Rhodes Scholar Dr Jenny Tran has
            contributing to teaching, workshops, and   and Europe with Oh Pep! as the band   embarked for Oxford, and is looking
            public lectures.                  immersed itself in the ‘old time’ music   forward to making the most of her time
                                              of Virginia’s Applachian mountains.    in Europe. Here she gazes out over
            Kerryn Higgs (1964) has published   Playing to enthusiastic audiences, Oh   Prague from Astronomical Clock Tower
            Collision Course: Endless Growth on   Pep! has been selected to represent
            a Finite Planet, which reviews have   Australia at the 2015 Folk Alliance
            praised as a ‘thorough and carefully   International Conference in Kansas City.
            crafted history of the ideas of limits
            and growth’. A prize-winning graduate   Olivia Hally
            in English and History, Kerryn taught
            in the Melbourne History Department

            before heading to London, where she
            won the first Angus and Robertson
            Prize for a novel in progress and wrote

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