Page 20 - Luce 2015
P. 20

Council News

          Chair of Council Ms Margie Richardson   Prof Gillian Triggs with Council members Ms Jane Tribe, Mr Tim Thwaites & Prof
          with Ballarat Grammar Headmaster    Doreen Rosenthal AO
          Mr Stephen Higgs and Council member
          Ms Anne Shea
          Margie Richardson, Chair of Council from 2006 to 2008 before heading off to Rome for five
          years, returned to JCH Council in June and took up the reins again. She offers her thoughts on
          the past year.

          2014 signalled a year of changes for   John Davies, have also stepped down,   A generous bequest received from
          the Council. Prof Doreen Rosenthal   and we are grateful that John remains   Eva Eden’s estate enabled progress on
          completed her three years of service as   College solicitor. More recently, Bishop   Margaret Henderson House. It also
          Chair of Council in midyear 2014. Her   Paul White, Assistant Bishop in the   served to underline to the Principal
          flair and articulateness, her concern for   Diocese of Melbourne, reluctantly   and Council the importance for the
          students’ wellbeing and support for the   succumbed to the increased demands of   College in the years ahead of setting
          Principal have clearly all been hugely   his position and resigned after 12 years   up a bequest programme. Council is
          appreciated. I am delighted that she   of dedicated membership of Council.  delighted that Shelley Roberts, alumna
          remains on Council to contribute with                              from the early 1970s and recently
          wisdom and sensitivity to the College   My thanks go to them all, as well as   Director of Communications and
          and to me as incoming Chair.     to the on-going members, for their   Marketing at the State Library, has been
                                           contributions to a Council which in my   employed as Director of Development.
          Earlier in the year, a number of Council   experience has always been energetic
          members completed their terms of   but cooperative in forging a direction   Buildings, constitutions, fund-raising: it
          office or indicated they would be   for Janet Clarke Hall as a small,   sounds like plodding fare! Such matters
          standing down. Dr Stewart Niemann   pastorally sensitive and highly academic   are always the bedrock of governing
          (1973) was a member of that very small,   College.                 bodies: at Janet Clarke Hall, however,
          select group of male students invited                              unfolding the strategic vision of Council
          by Dr Eden to enter the College when   These changes provided an opportunity   is enriched by the extraordinary calibre
          it became co-residential in the early   for Council to look afresh at the best   of the College’s Fellows, staff, students,
          1970s. He later served on Council for 15   form of governance for the College in   Fellows and alumni.
          years, assisting with the 2006 strategy   this 21st century. Work on a new model,
          plan and always probing Council   with likely smaller Council membership,   Ms Margie Richardson
          directions. Two less long-standing but   began in earnest in the second half of   Chair of Council
          valued members, Ray Williams and   2014.

                                           Council member Prof Ruth Fincher (1969) was elected a Member of the Order
                                           of Australia (AM) in the 2014 Australia Day Honours. Prof Fincher (seen here at
                                           the award ceremony at Government House) was recognised for her service to
                                           education generally including as Chair of the College Council, and particularly
                                           in geography and urban studies, and to national and international geographic

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