Page 15 - Luce 2015
P. 15
Junior Co mmon Roo m
Lizzy and rowers
From the Student Club President
It’s an interesting experience thinking back to first encounters.
Mostly they’re not something I commit to memory but I do
remember my interview for entrance into Janet Clarke Hall.
I had a Skype interview with Dr Powell due to being interstate
and I’m almost certain I wore pyjama pants with my pink satin
shirt because I knew the camera would only capture my top
half (and having an active secret is quite the adventure!)
I don’t remember the details of the interview except for clearly
explaining to Dr Powell that I planned to stay in College for
one year and one year only.
Fast forward three years and I have now moved out – as much
as it saddened me to do so. I had no idea that JCH was going H2O-Week
to be somewhere I connected with in the way I have. Trying Whilst dressed as sailors, water lillies, rain clouds and sea
to describe what JCH is to me is a dauntingly challenging kings, we welcomed 38 new students to JCH. All newbies
task, and something I have been struggling to achieve since were provided with the second edition of the Fresher Guide in
the start of my time here. I recently re-read my original an aim to assist them in their transition into university, College
application letter and found the closing paragraph (taken word and Melbourne life. We held a range of events, including the
for word below) sums up my time freakishly well: ever-popular Shakespeare in the Park and the fabulous All At
Sea tutor party. In consultation with Dr Powell, Mrs Davies
‘I have learnt a lot about myself in the past three years. and Ms Cadorel the returning students moved in slightly
Not only have I started to figure out where my passions earlier to allow more time for rooms to be set up and mixing
lie (education, singing silly children’s songs, science…) but and mingling to occur.
I’ve begun to understand what is important to me (health
and happiness) and how to go about making those things a First Semester
constant part of my life. I believe that Janet Clarke Hall is the As always, semester one began with Commencement
perfect place for my university life to start as I know I will Dinner followed by the College photo. Dr Powell told a joke
be supported and respected for wanting to work hard and – it probably involved Sherlock and a tent – and everyone
encouraged to never let go of the cliff – not matter how hard laughed accordingly. Tutor run floor parties, ball fundraising,
holding on seems to be.’ sports trainings and games and intercollegiate arts and cultural
events filled our mornings, evenings and weekends. We found
Looking back, it amazes me how accurate I was about a place time to raise money for the Cancer Council’s Shave for a Cure,
I had only seen on the internet. The three years prior to my reaching the $2000+ mark with the help of generous alumni.
coming to JCH was filled with year 11, year 12 and a gap This milestone meant that Dr Powell shaved his head, an event
year. The three years since then has been filled with college attended by both exers and current students. We celebrated
life, something that only those who have been a member of a Earth Hour in the courtyard with musical performances, light
college community can truly understand. painting and delicious cup cakes. Play auditions began, the
Ball was held, IpDip characters came out and costumes began
In my three years in College, as a member of the student club to be realised.
and student executive, there have been far too many events
and happenings to recall them all. Here I plan to note some of Secret Angel Week saw gifts, notes and art works fill the
the standouts for me in a hope of demonstrating the life of a corridors and a little bit of extra love was spread around
JCHer in 2014. the College.
College play Second Semester
There were some 28 events in the first five weeks of semester
two including Mid-Winter Dinner, the Ethel Bage Memorial
Debate and GAMSAT and LSAT information sessions.
Wintersong was re-imagined - Medley College came along,
finger food and mulled wine was served, there were 200m of
fairy lights and a party in JCR to follow. The Biggest Evening
Supper took a literary turn, Assassins Week was as intense as
always, and the play – The Servant of Two Masters – was a hit.
When we weren’t at tutorials, sports training or arts events,
the trivia night, Hens and Bucks, Burnt Bail Amazing Race
and Comedy Night entertained us. The new executive was
elected mid-September and they ran some marvellous events
including Springle and Ready to Mingle at the start of the final
academic term. It all culminated in an Alice in Wonderland
inspired Valedictory Dinner and party where some of us did
the Fresher Dances for the last time in the JCR.
J anet Clarke Hall 15