Page 11 - Luce 2015
P. 11

Senior Co mmon Roo m

            In addition Dr Catherine Hart’s
            husband Jamie Hart continued in his
            role as Sports Mentor, emphaising the
            importance of a balanced and healthy
            lifestyle, while Hamish’s fiancé Nicky
            Haslinghouse made a vital contribution
            to the life of the SCR and the wider
            College community.

            In second semester we celebrated the
            engagement of our residential medical
            tutors, Dr Richard Liu and Dr Jenny
            Tran. Richard and Jenny not only work
            together at St Vincent’s Hospital but they
            have also co-developed the community
            organization CHASE. CHASE is a not   JCH...ogwarts? Hamish Brown and Richard Liu take aim
            for profit organisation led by tertiary
            students, who aim to promote health
            literacy in the community through
            mentorship and empowerment of
            secondary school students. CHASE
            celebrated its first anniversary in July
            and with three partnership schools
            committed, CHASE is going from
            strength to strength.

            This year we are saying goodbye and
            thank you to four residential tutors, Dr
            Jenny Tran, Dr Julia Lai Kwon (2006),
            Mr Paul Peng (2007) and Mr Mitchell
            Anderson. Jenny departed for Oxford
            University on a Rhodes Scholarship   Dr Catherine Hart, Jamie Hart, Xavier   for nine years as both a student and
            in September to commence a Masters   Cadorel, Nicky Haslinghouse, Hamish   residential tutor, assisting countless
            degree in Public Health. Paul has lived   Brown, Jack Tan           Biomedical students in their academic
            as both a student and a residential tutor                           pursuits. Mitch was residential tutor of
            at Janet Clarke Hall since 2006. During                             Biology in 2014. His passion for biology
            his time as a residential tutor, Paul has                           and his love of music and tennis has
            been able to develop his own business,                              been highly beneficial for our students.
            Swatchmate. Julia has lived in residence                            During his time in College, Mitch was
                                                                                able to focus on his musical pursuits as
                                                                                the keys player and co-producer in the
                                                                                Melbourne based three piece electronic
                                                                                band Yujen. This year they successfully
                                                                                signed with multi ARIA award winning
                                                                                musician Chet Faker for their debut EP
                                                                                No Aware. We thank Jenny, Julia, Paul
                                                                                and Mitchell for their service to the
                                                                                College and wish them all the  very best
                                                                                for life beyond JCH.

                                                                                As I reflect back on the year, I can’t help
                                                                                but feel very fortunate to be a member
                                                                                of the Janet Clarke Hall community.
                                                                                What a privilege it is to work with such
                                                                                a dynamic group of students during
                                                                                such a formative time of their lives. I
                                                                                would like to take this opportunity to
                                                                                thank Dr Powell for his support, and to
                                                                                congratulate all of the staff and students
                                                                                of the College on another successful
            Hamish Brown, Nicky Hasilinghouse, Richard Liu, Julia Hastings, Jamie Hart, Paul   year.
            Peng, Donna Davies, Xaiver Cadorel, Fiona Cadorel, Mitchell Anderson, Catherine
            Hart, Jenny Tran, Jack Tan                                          Ms Fional Cadorel
                                                                                Vice-Principal (Students)

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