Page 9 - Luce 2015
P. 9
Director of Development
The friendships I made at JCH remain As we see from the recent examples in
my most valued; they have survived this edition of Luce, generous donations
long absences, diverging lifestyles and and gifts from friends of the College
careers. and from former staff and alumni have
already made a huge difference. But
It is because I am sure that I am not there remains a very real and immediate
unusual in feeling this strong connection need to begin to build a corpus of funds
with the College that I feel comfortable that will enable the brightest and most
in talking about donations and bequests deserving students today and into the
and the difference they make to a small future to attend JCH through scholarships,
College like JCH. regardless of their personal and financial
circumstances. Funds are needed, too,
In my early conversations with the to ensure that the College’s residential
Principal I was surprised and impressed facilities are maintained and enhanced.
Ms Shelley Roberts (1972) to learn that these days as many as 40%
has been appointed College of the College’s students are recipients The Annual Giving form that
of scholarships. For some rural students accompanies Dr Powell’s letter is an
Director of Development, with a scholarship to Janet Clarke Hall is their excellent way to make an immediate
Margaret Henderson House responsibility for recommending only means of achieving the financially contribution which will be greatly
and socially difficult move to the city to appreciated. In due course many of us
fundraising initiatives and
attend Melbourne University; for others may also wish to consider making a gift
growing alumni support. the College is a genuine refuge from to the College in our Will. I have recently
deprived and difficult backgrounds. added information about gifts in Wills
In introducing myself and my new to the JCH website www.jch.unimelb.
role I will begin by saying confidently In recent years JCH has embraced and would be very happy to send
what I am not. I am not a professional students whose stories include: ‘… information or talk to anyone who wants
fundraiser or development specialist. I there were only four of us doing VCE to know more about this form of support
can be equally confident in saying that, at my school so it was hard’, and ‘I was for the College.
following a long and fulfilling career fostered at 11 months old and have no
in the world of books – publishing, contact with my biological parents… I feel as though I am beginning a new
bookselling and libraries – I am an without a scholarship I would not have and exciting episode in my evolving
experienced communicator and been able to go to JCH at all’, and ‘… my relationship with JCH. In many ways I
welcome the opportunity to bring that father is in prison so it’s just Mum and have come full circle – at first I was the
experience to this exciting new role as my little brother and me’. happy beneficiary of all that the College
Director of Development at JCH. It is my had to offer. Today and into the future I
privilege to re-engage with the College We know that College is an enriching hope to repay that debt.
and, I hope, contribute something to an experience for all students, but it is
institution for which I feel great affection humbling to realise that scholarships Shelley Roberts
and gratitude. and bursaries are truly life-changing for Director of Development
deserving students such as these.
It has been more than 40 years since
I first climbed the stairs to my room at
JCH. I was a second year Arts student,
it was my first move away from home
and I was thrilled and a little nervous. I
had relished my first year of English Lit
studies but the University was a very big
JCH proved to be a wonderful turning
point for me. When reading the
valedictory speeches of some of the
recent students I was struck by the
similarity of their reflections and
my own. JCH still feels like a home
away from home, a supportive, lively
community of individuals, eager to learn,
engage with new ideas and discover the
world and their place in it – and have a
heap of fun along the way!
J anet Clarke Hall 9