Page 7 - Luce 2015
P. 7

L eadership   Dinner

            Director of Studies Mr Jack Tan and Luci Ronai meet Ms Lauren Sach and students    From the JCR to the SCR: Graduate students
            Rosie Yates, Lily Brougham, Lucinda Ralph and Tessie Chang from MGGS   May Dunn Scholar Kelly Widdows and AM
                                                                                White Scholar Kirsten Sugden
            They can be put off when they have   ethical issues that have to be considered.   Jack: Can you tell us about one person
            completed their degree, but when they   With the huge wealth and consumerism   who has really inspired you.
            go out into the world, they don’t get the   that young people are coming into, we
            work they wanted, because the jobs   have to learn how to manage the level   Gillian: The living public figure who
            aren’t available, or the competition for   of waste and the level of acquisition.   has inspired me is Roslyn Higgins.  She
            those jobs is too strong. So I think one   Their lives could be richer if they could   was the President of the International
            of the challenges is to know how to go   be more disciplined about what they   Court of Justice and I first got to know
            around these roadblocks and search   acquire.                       her when she was a Professor of Public
            for other ways of negotiating your                                  and International Law at the London
            professional career. Certainly in my own   Jack: Can you tell us what you favourite   School of Economics. I’ve always been
            life I’ve found myself doing very strange   book is?                enormously impressed by her crystal
            things, one of them being the legal                                 clarity of thinking about the law and her
            adviser to the Dallas Police Department   Gillian: I have two. One is Anna   ability to write quite short books that
            in my late 20s. You never know where   Karenina by Tolstoy. It is the most   explain the legal principles involved
            these experiences are going to lead   extraordinary analysis of the   in a particular issue. I greatly admire
            you. I’ve found that every experience   psychological breakdown of a woman.   her intellectual discipline and clarity of
            is worthwhile. Everything is a building   I read it when I was young and I still   thought. She is for me the preeminent
            block to give you the platform to go in   go back to this fascinating narrative   world leader and thinker in public and
            the direction that you want to go. One   from time to time. How Tolstoy got   international law. I also admire her
            thing I say to young people who come to  into the mind of that woman and wrote   humanity, and she is definitely my hero
            see me is, don’t say no to opportunities.   about the tragic outcome is remarkable   or somebody I look up to in my field.
            If they come up, take them, even if they   particularly for the times when there
            are not on the direct route of where you   wasn’t much known about psychology.   Jack: If you could meet a famous figure
            want to go, they will always be valuable   In more modern times, and in a way also  from history, who would that be?
            experiences and you will learn a lot   psychological, are Hilary Mantel’s books
            from them. I think flexibility is the key   Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies,   Gillian: The person I would most like
            characteristic.                   both winners of the Booker Prize. Her   to meet is Elizabeth I. She had this
                                              writing is absolutely phenomenal in her   astonishing courage and leadership
            I also think that these are very exciting   psychological insight into Cromwell,   in very cruel times but she had a very
            times where we have access to so much   who we’d all learnt to hate, but she   genuine concern for the people that she
            information. When I was at University,   has also provided this fleshed-out   represented as sovereign. She is also a
            you really had to go to the library to   psychological person who we can all   minor character in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf
            get information, whereas it is so readily   understand. I think the quality of her   Hall. She is the dismissed child of Henry
            available today. When you want to hear   writing and her insights into human   VIII. Her mother was Anne Boleyn. In
            other people’s views, or wish to know   behaviour are almost without precedent.   those times children were very much
            whether something works or not, you   I have read Wolf Hall three times and   out in the countryside and nobody had
            just have to google it. So overall, the   Bring up the Bodies twice and I don’t   imagined that Elizabeth would ever be
            challenges are being outweighed by   usually read books a second time. I   Queen of England!
            the opportunities of the age in which   am also looking forward to the third
            young people are getting out into the   book, in which unfortunately Cromwell
            job market. I think there are also some   ultimately loses his head.

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  7
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